it was the movie i saw when i was 10 and clowns scared the shit out of me
plus, i only watched the first half of the movie, which was the scary half, and ever since then, pennywise scares the shit out of me, but its a good idea fo a sig. i found a great site from google, thx a lot, ill post the sig as soon as i make it.
tell me these dont freak you out:
pennywise the clown is so much scarier than jason or freddy
pennywise the clown is so much scarier than jason or freddy
Ok, well maybe... biggrin:
I remember when that "IT" mini-series came on. I taped it off and everything. I thought it was really well done. Although, I coulda done without Jack Tripper...
Location: Looking through a sniper scope, targetting anyone in my sight.
04-11-2003, 09:37 AM
lol ya, he is way scarier than Jason and Freddy, but Jason is cooler, cause those movies arent that scary, just like a big bloodbath.(I'm not saying thats bad wink