is it possible to make a projectile that is a bullet? the only projectile's i've seen explode, i have all kinds of diffrent mods and i thought it'd be fun to shoot bullets that move slower than you walk so there's random bullets floating around the stage to be stuck by at diffrent times. just a though, any input?
It can be made pretty easily. I made rockets move slower than u and have no "druck effect" (moves randomly), so it stays in a straight line. If u add a bouncefactor to it, its quite fun.
yeah i have made rockets do that also, but they explode on contact, i was thinking something like bullets flying around that hit the players and didn't explode
Anyway, make the scale factor from 1.0 to prolly .3 maybe. Make them as big as bullets would be and change the means of death from rocket to bullet. Make all the guns emmit the new items that youve just made and u have 'real' bullets coming from the guns. Its perty decent
That would be the coolest thing i think eve and it would be a good mod for the rocket noobs the fire and it'll just bounce off our head HEE HEE sweet and if it works email it to me