Can sum1 help me with sumthing -
04-14-2003, 09:09 AM
Hi, this might seem simple to every1 else out ther but me, i wud like to get the scope from the axis sniper in AA on the axis sniper in SH, how do i do that?, i dont really want it on any other rifle, jus the sniper, so can ne1 plz tell me how to do that, or if i need to download a pk3 file
oh, and could anyone recormend a blood mod which works online, but isnt to realistic, just a blood puff i think its called, maby stick to walls aswell, but if ne1 can recormend 1, plz do
i have tried both those mods (from you webby) and they will not work on single player or multiplayer for me :'( but i got a new 1 now offa frend
thx ne-way, and i'll see ur sight for the scope, i put it in mainta right?