Since all the smart things have already been
mentioned, I will limit myself to being cocky
and say this :
I would
LOVE to see EA pursue all of
the folks that
played the game before
being officially released. Good luck with the
warez / official release user separation, if
any is possible. Heh.
Imagine the ensuing troubles they would have
and laugh out loud my worried friends. Funny
stuff. And all you do-gooders out there, stop
being so retarded and wake up to the world
you live in. The law looks nice in theory but
in practice, nothing ever really gets done.
I know this first hand because of certain
things I've done that should have easily
landed me in a jail cell ...
Last but not least, I will quote a post I've
seen on (he says it better than I
could) :
For you who think it really takes them an
entire year to infiltrate a group like DoD?
All it takes is an email saying "I have an
oc-128 backbone connected to this lovely
drop box supporting telnet, ftp, http and
whatever you need installed it has 3.5
terabytes or disk storage on multiple
redundant raid arrays", I think you can join
Razor tomorrow with this hardware and an
excuse such as its belongs to so and so tech
a web hosting company I run.
[This message has been edited by SoLiDUS (edited January 14, 2002).]