=Sith=Vader and myself was in a free for all. I believe the room was Angust.
Anyway, A supposed general of some clan the CLD or 504th or something, Ill have to get the exact clan from him. Asked us to join. We kindly told him no that we are eight deep and we like a small dedicated squad. He asked us to merge our clan and we still said no.
My partner =Sith=Vader ask what would our ranks be if we joined. The general said private because it was based on skill. =Sith=Vader quickly said that we would have to come in as Generals then and take his clan.
He got mad~ M16: And challenged us to a battle. He already had seven of his clan members in the free for all but soon afterwards three more joined. He set up a room and dared us to join. We left and we joined.
I have to admit. I will never turn down a challenge but I really thought this would get bad and i would have to run my phone bill up getting the other clan members online and in the game to even it up.
10 minutes into it we had them by 22 kills and had them pressed back into their spawn. A few minutes more, two of their clan members quit the clan, another left the game after yelling at the general, and another begged to join us. Eventually the game was 94 to 38 and we were kicked.
swordfight: A great moment for the =Siths= but not the last. swordfight:
I hate servers that do that Maul, its bs. Hey himmler, i dont know if any of the other captains in -|noob|- asked you or not but we would like to have a scrimmage against T3R. swordfight: Email me at icb_gijoe@yahoo.com if you guys are interested.
[quote="-|n00b|-GI JoE-":1aed8]I hate servers that do that Maul, its bs. Hey himmler, i dont know if any of the other captains in -|noob|- asked you or not but we would like to have a scrimmage against T3R. swordfight: Email me at [email="icb_gijoe@yahoo.com"]icb_gijoe@yahoo.com[/email] if you guys are interested.[/quote:1aed8]