04-16-2003, 11:12 PM
If anyones willing to model the Bren, I have extremely accurate details about the weapon... like how it is as accurate as an M1 if fired in short bursts, but kicks down and to the left if fired non-stop. The Bren was actually considered to be "too accurate". It fired the same caliber bullet as the Enfield rifle... but I have talked with a guy who has fired it with NATO rounds of some sort... I will have to dig up the email. He added a lot of useful info about the Bren, including how it was fired (stationary as well as moving, this is FACT, not opinion), and a firing sound was compared the the StG, but a little different. If anyone wants to put together a team for modding the Bren Light MG, I am willing to give informational support. Come on community, lets make a Bren.