Retirement from (any game but planetside :D ) -
04-16-2003, 11:28 PM
Well this is my farewell I've dropped every game i've been playing accept for planetscape..I got accepted into the open beta and all i haft to say is it rocks! Sorry for all my unfinished work and such, if you still need any help on anything just drop me a line ill be happy to help. Umm have fun with the WWII and if u ever go planetside mail me ...Have fun and stay safe ~1
I realy dont have any idea which uncompleted work you're talking about , but from the number of posts that Savior has , I dont think he's so much of a king in modding... Only 57 currently , that means he's kinda new..
[quote:7527f] Didn't you know? Savior is the best modder in the business [/quote:7527f]
Hmmm I dont think so , I think Guarnere is one of the best if already talking , he has things and out like the Luger and the AK-47...
I'm intrested to know if Savior has released some mods or anything... but Anyway Savior , good luck on Planetside :-)
Hope you'll come back to MOHAA in the end (Eventually it will happen :-) )
You gotta keep everyone looking and watching your addons :-)
Otherwise sure they will , people all over the world are talking in here...
No wonder.. :-)
btw - can you help me with a problem I have with a sound of the MP40 ? I want to create a certain order of playing.... You know , the Pak contains 2 sounds for it.. but MOHAA dont play it like 121212121212121212 , it plays it like 1222112212121111222111111 that's not good for me..
Also , can you think of anyway to change the the sound playing rate of the MP40....?
i too have been accepted as a planetside beta tester and started in on this a few days ago. this game is just monumental when compared to any game or games....this game flat out ownz...cya there!
btw - can you help me with a problem I have with a sound of the MP40 ? I want to create a certain order of playing.... You know , the Pak contains 2 sounds for it.. but MOHAA dont play it like 121212121212121212 , it plays it like 1222112212121111222111111 that's not good for me..
Also , can you think of anyway to change the the sound playing rate of the MP40....?
Itamar, im sorry that i cant help you out but have you posted a thread at TMT? Or at BoB sound & audio forums?