You are crying like a baby. I wish it was me who had the full game. I would even get it warez, BUT!, when the full game was released I would go buy it for sure.
Clock, if I knew it I would tell you.
Try running from item to item, taking cover.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by reckoner: B0n0,
plz explain what your problem is with people who have d/l and are playing the full game now?
btw, i havent d/l it
..and dont you think asking for bans is extreme? We are hardly posting links for where to d/l it from.
[This message has been edited by reckoner (edited January 13, 2002).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
You're jokeing with me right? Its like if I would steal a car, and then later go back to ask the owner how the radio works. Do you think he would be nice a happy about that!?
can i ask a thing, if a guy download the mohaa warez thing, play it and when the full game comes to store, he buy it and delete the warez shit, would that be right or wrong ??
Not gonna discuss right or wrong, too deep of an issue.
All I know is, if you d/l a warez from someone, you are telling them it is OK to warez, whether you buy the game or not. Not everyone who d/l the warez will buy the game. In this way, you are "condoning" warez.
Personally, I am willing to wait the xtra 2 weeks. (patience is a virtue, or so they say)
Its called respect.....Those guys have developed a great game and "Deserve" the 50 or 60 bucks it costs to purchase it.
If all you warez people go out and buy the game when it comes out then I say No foul.
If however you keep the illegal copy you have, you're an Idiot.
I like free stuff as much as anyone but I do have some respect for myself. I would never be able to live down stealing a product such as MOHAA.
If you do have an Illigal copy of MOHAA why the fuck do you come here to brag about it?
No one cares. Most of us have real jobs and can afford to buy the game when it comes out.
I for one would like to see official add-ons to this game. If People insist on stealing software they may think twice about further supporting this product.
test out.
CLock, you gotta wait for your guys to go over before you do and just follow them to the big stone wall of the machinegun bunker. And don't step in the red lokin grass becaus of the mines.
Btw: you people looking forward to the Omaha beach multiplayer map beware, If the whole ally team becomes a freaking sniper the map is ruined just like the omaha beach map on DOD. Sniping in this game is gay.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tbry23m: What is warzez? And how do you get the d-day mission. I want it, all I have is the hunt for single player. Please tell me where you got the D-day demo.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
he has an Illegal copy of the game...
it is NOT a demo.....and you will get an answer when everyone else actually knows what you are talking about....since we don't have an illegal copy....
Mein Ehre Heisst Treue
Das Geminschaft
2nd SS Panzer Division
Whether anyone decides to download from warez is up to them. Quit raggin' on these guys. We're here because we are all excited about playing and buying the final version. Lets give em a break and let them tell us about it.
I personally would love to hear about what the full version is like, and I bet you all would to.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Heiny dog-bone: Whether anyone decides to download from warez is up to them. Quit raggin' on these guys. We're here because we are all excited about playing and buying the final version. Lets give em a break and let them tell us about it.
I personally would love to hear about what the full version is like, and I bet you all would to.
Here Here
C'mon Clock, if you cant post some piccies at least post some quick impressions.
Amen Ohgr. Here's a friendly tip. SHUT-UP!!!! If he gets caught and arrested who cares? It isn't your problem. It's his. so don't worry about him. You wanna bitch and complain stay at this forum. You want action, got to war.