Lets see PIII 500 with a Voddoo 3 300 and ill tell you that it really sucked
but i played on it just the same i even played T2 on it and JKII as well till jsut this past year when i built one of 2 that i have AMD 2.0 GF 3Ti200
512 DDR 2700. like the prevoius post it not the greatest but i get 80 to 90 FPS. Thats good enough for me.
I play MoHAA on a AMD Athlon 2400+, 1 Gig of PC2100 Ram, GeForce 4 Ti 4600 128MB (soon to upgrade to the Radeon 9800 Pro 256MB), Audigy X-Gamer, 19" monitor, 18" viewable, anything else?
I was on a P2 350, with 192 MB RAM, and a Geforce 2 MX400. I was getting anywhere between 10-40 fps. And I was playing MOHAA on that piece of crap since MOHAA came out. Now, i'm on a P4 2.4, 533 FSB, 512 PC 2700 DDR RAM, and a Geforce 4 MX440 (holding my sweet baby back so much!)
I have a shitty comp! I have cable modem to make up for that here is my specs.
256 Mb ram
(here is where it gets bad)
My video card is a intel 82815 graphics controller
y average FPS is 15 yet i still couldnt live without this game