Are there any limits on the # of maps in the list of its lenght in the cfg file? I added a couple more maps to my list and now it looks like the maps no longer rotate. CI reports tha the map list is "/n". This was working before I did it, so any ideas?
Dunno man, I would personally test the theroy, just add one map at a time, then load the svr, switch to the map. If it works, add another one, and do the same.
Ok, I tried it out and from what I can tell it's based on the length of the maplist string. I used different maps with different map names and was able to get as many as 25 maps in my list with a line length of 250 characters. The 26th map brought the length to 260 and it broke then. I figure that the max length of the sv_maplist string is something like 255 or 256 characters.
I guess this means that map creators should strive for shorter map names so we can get more maps in the rotation at once. Maybe that's not a priority for some, but I like to have a lot of maps in the mix so things stay fresh.
I guess this also means that CI can't parse a map list too large because even though my rotation is running with about 18 maps, CI's report of the map list is null.