We had our fist OGL match on Sunday as .:[t3R]:. against the {CC} Covert Commandos. We started out almost immediately after they got there and things were going well. Part way in one of their members lagged out and it put Himmler on the other team and said he was in the serverfor like 5 hours...I'm sure all of you know this glitch... Anyways they respon saying "So Himmler trying to cheat huh?" And we had no idea what they were talking about, and tried explaining to them the glitch but they had NEVER heard of it...ok. Then they had two different people in spectator FOUR different times. They told us they had plenty of screenshots that they could show OGL that would get us to forfeit..ok...then when I told them about our screenshots of them in spec they shutup.
During the second half of the match, they asked us if we used any anti-cheat programs on our server. I responded yes, saying we use Code Security and Delator 2. The LEADER of their clan responded by saying that he has "Never heard of it..." Who the hell hasnt heardof delator???? I mean seriously. The final score was 18-2 and about 3 minutes before the end of the match two of their members left, and when I asked where they went their members said.."To show the screenshots to OGL..."LMAO
Just thought I would share this. Clans like {CC} who dont even have a server and join a ladder with no knowledge of things like Delator or game glitches shouldnt even be a clan...lmfao
{CC} is a pretty good clan, cant beleive u guys raped em like that. Well thats what happens once all the member start talking about hacking and crap, they all get distracted and then they all suck b/c of the simple fact that they think the other person is cheating.....atab=aint that a biiii( u know the rest)
{CC} is a pretty good clan, cant beleive u guys raped em like that. Well thats what happens once all the member start talking about hacking and crap, they all get distracted and then they all suck b/c of the simple fact that they think the other person is cheating.....atab=aint that a biiii( u know the rest)