speaking of burning them alive, what u guys think of those june bug bastards? those big black things that try to fly in thru your window screen during the summer time?
june bugs are more in the us... dunno if australia has them
Speaking of Black Widows, when we went to Fort Benning, GA for basic we were told actually to look before you shit, meaning that spiders actually nested under toilet seats, espically Black Widows & Brownbacks, becuase they don't spin webs. And yes, one private got bit on the nuts. It was bad, man. They had to E-VAC him out of their.
Well the plants behind my house attract a ton of bee's and wasps. A year ago the wasps made a nest on my house, we had to knock it down with a pool pole, hehe, about a thousand of them came out.
Did you know Daddy Longlegs are the most poisionous spiders alive, but the only reason they are not dangerous to us is because their teeth are too small to bite us? It's true. .
[quote="Bazooka_Joe":1d93c]Did you know Daddy Longlegs are the most poisionous spiders alive, [/quote:1d93c]
I read that bit and and shat meself since I pick them up all the time to throw them out my window oOo:
Didnt know they were classed as spiders either cuz they have wings
Did you know Daddy Longlegs are the most poisionous spiders alive,
I read that bit and and shat meself since I pick them up all the time to throw them out my window oOo:
Didnt know they were classed as spiders either cuz they have wings[/quote:9c98a]
Last year, me and a couple of friends took some bottle rockets and m80s and shoved them in this bee hive that was in a hole in a wall. We lit that shit and KABOOOM. Needless to say their was alot of dead bees, also some who survived proceeded to chase us. Thats was alot of fun.