Method of Skinning Is This Possible? -
04-22-2003, 05:01 PM
Ok I recently read that ***HOW TO MAKE A PLAYER SKIN*** post and it helped but my guys uniforms come out retarted and I though well wait a minute I have an eaiser way....
1) Get the shaders and .tiks and rename them to whatever you want your guys name to be and then get the .tga files for it but don't edit them just chnage thier names.
2) When it tshows up in the game it should be a dublicate of the charecter shader, tik and tga files you used.
3) GO open pacscape then open your .tga files from your skin then edit them to waht you want. Save em back and make into a .pk3.
4)So now you have a pk3. with the .shader and .tik files and a .pk3 with the tga's so now put em together so its 1 .pk3 (Just to save space) and run the game.
This is liek editing the original skins if ya know what I mean for instance instead of making a whole diffrent US-Ranger skin you just edit the original one that the orignal one is diffrent thats what my thing is like.
Its easy for me but do what eva ya want just a suggestion from me.
Oh and PS: I am realeasing a map soon. Should be out maybe by Thurs' or Late Wen'.
Til than peace out! evil: