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MoH General Discussion General Discussion about Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, expansions and Pacific Assault

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Lt_Data1 is Offline
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Default 04-22-2003, 03:02 PM

Liberation mode, now that sounds like a LOT of fun. "What are you doing?" "I'm just sitting here bored off my ass because my teammates haven't rescued me." Yeah, that sounds like a LOT of fun.
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Default 04-22-2003, 03:14 PM

First off, I don't think Pacific Assault is an expansion at all, isn't it supposed to be a sequel?

Secondly, if EA are to pull this off they need to spend a lot more time on MP than SP. There's no point releasing another lack-lustre set of piss-easy to complete missions if they also neglect MP again.

Did they neglect MP in SH? Yes and no. They brought in a lot of new weapons, some of which are really good. But, they buggered it up because they did not spend any time at all on the most important part of the expansion.

MP maps.

People here say they dislike the maps because they're unbalanced, laggy and large.

I'd agree but it's not EA that designed them and there lies the issue.

I haven't played SH enough to be 100% sure but from what I saw they created 1-2 MP maps themselves and for the rest they just used player-made ones and converted MOH:AA SP maps!

Neglect in the extreme.

You simply cannot expect the public to produce material for a commercial game and expect it to be top quality, no matter how good they are at what they do.

2015 created their maps with the players in mind. They created them all quite small, limited access in most so you didn't end up with tons of redundant rooms and areas and spent the time to compile each properly with efficient VIS.

Being a mapper I am fully aware of how much time this takes on a normal machine, which most of us have. A proffesional company should have access to much faster hardwear and they can use this to their advantage.

Most of the maps EA used in SH were winners in their competition. A competition so limited by its own rules that it was just asking for trouble.

Even then the final produce was not playable, or just plain dull!

Some of the maps are good. One or two are up to the standards I'd expect from a proffesional release.

The rest are just average, badly textured and horribly rendered behemoths.

If EA pass their mapping over to the public again I will refuse to buy this expansion by default.

Butt-scooting and crappy sound bugs don't even come into the picture when I can't actually play a server rotation without having to leave due to my athlon xp 2000+ struggling to keep my game running over 20 FPS!

Bottom line is this: EA could take the positives from SH - that is weapon choice, snazzy and neat UI, smoke 'nades, no lean-strafe (Lord, how can anyone see leanstrafe as a positive??) and mix them with the positives from MoH - such as the sturdy reliable maps, most still with great playability, excellent animation and sounds and so on.

They then need to cut out the crap from both and add in some new content (namely OBJ maps - Objective used to be my only mode of play but I am so sick of the same 3 maps now I only pllay DM).

Then I'll buy it. Gladly.

But, pessimism isn't even close to my attitude towards this expansion.

What companies like Valve and its community have been doing free of charge for years EA are doing a worse job of and charging us for it.

They are a company without eyes or ears.
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Default 04-22-2003, 04:15 PM

Lol, yeh... I forgot to add that... Liberation modes looks like a pile of tosh.

TOW was bad enough.

They need to FOCUS on objective variety. Go back to basics;
  • Rescure the prisoners (NPC ones not the bloody players themselves - dumb idea!)[/*:m:4f664]
  • Steal the papers/weapons (You know, like really steal them instead of just clicking on them and winning - infiltrate, exfiltrate objective mode for expample)[/*:m:4f664]
  • Breakout mode (Start with no weapons, have to escape - hard to get this mode right but damn it can be done).[/*:m:4f664]
  • Escort mission. Escort the convoy/VIP/General.[/*:m:4f664]
  • Control and defend - Push style but with 3 maps in one - This is the way TOW should have been done but without respawn. 3 maps - Allies, Neutral and Axis. You start in Neutral and there is a common goal that you both have to achieve. Whoever wins the round (either by player elimination or objective completion) then gains advantage and you move to the next map - That is, if the Allies win the Neutral map they all respawn in the Axis map. The Axis have to defend the objective to then push the Allies back to the Neutral map. If they fail then the Allies win! Simple but so much more in depth than TOW respawn.[/*:m:4f664]

That's just a few ideas but sadly they'll never be implimented.
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geRV is Offline
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Default 04-22-2003, 04:25 PM

Pacific assault is a sequel yes

Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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Tiwaz is Offline
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Default 04-22-2003, 05:58 PM

Originally Posted by Ydiss
Lord, how can anyone see leanstrafe as a positive??
Everything has been said concerning lean-strafe. But I was the first one to mention it in this topic, and all I can say to this statement is the following:

When I started playing MoHAA online, I couldn't get it together. Leaning and strafing. After practicing, I got good at it. I mastered it. I use it.

It may look stupid. It may be unrealistic. It is not per se unrealistic. At some times, it is functional as well as realistic. The people who have ever played paintball have to agree. When you go around a corner, you lean. I never don't lean when trying to shoot someone while going around a corner. I don't lean exactly the way a figure leans in MoHAA, but still, it's comparable.

What I am trying to say is: Not being able to lean while strafing is unrealistic (especially when peaking around a corner). But being able to lean the way it is possible in MoHAA is (unrealistic). Since there is no way to functionally implement this difference in MoHAA, it is a matter of choice. Yes or no. I prefer yes.

I see some players jumping (or ducking) while strafing and firing. I never do this. I also never do this while playing paintball. Should it be disabled?

Bottom line: I like it. I can understand why some people don't. But these people should also try to understand why I like it. To be honest, I think it is the only way to make some evasive action possible, without being too unrealistic. I mean, hell, the entire game is unrealistic. Although I did once pick a lock while reloading my 4.3 kilogram weighing M1, biggrin:

I can do without. I'd gladly give up lean-strafing if the next expansion pack has good maps (read Ydiss's post and you will understand, we share the same opinion on that one)

I am not trying to start yet another lean-strafe yes/no discussion, I am merely pointing out why I put an argument concerning this subject in my first post in this topic. Not being able to lean-strafe is not the reason I don't like playing Spearhead. A bunch of other reasons are.

I hope lean-strafing is possible in the next expansion. It will not be possible, since it seems the majority of the players don't like it (not that EA gives a damn about the players) and it is disabled in Spearhead already, they will probably not change it back.
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Default 04-22-2003, 06:03 PM

There is a significant difference between leaning around a corner, and rapidly vibrating your upper body from left to right at a full run.
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Default 04-22-2003, 06:11 PM

I don't see what's wrong with just being able to lean while static. Even forced walk speed when leaning would be better.

I use lean and strafe but only on corners so I wouldn't miss it for one second.

Incidentally I just tried a SH server for the first time in ages (hated it of course) but it had leanstrafe enabled somehow.

It was still poor to play, regardless. They have taken a well balanced and measured game and reduced it to a substandard Quake derrivative. Just like so many of the sub-standard FPS clones you see drudged out every year.

MoH:AA was a cut above in that it dared to be different and went for the mixture of two styles and pulled it off. It has its flaws but saldy, EA have addressed none in the way the community is crying out for them to do.

They should take out the SH animations and bring back the old ones for the next exp too. I enjoy rifling and sniping in MOH but in SH it's just ruined by the hit anims. You can't line up a couple of well aimed upper area shots because once you hit them and don't kill them they suddenly become uber agile. You may as well just use an automatic weapon (which everybody invariably does).

Honeslty, the lack of leanstrafe is far from the biggest issue in SH and I wouldn't mind if it remained the same in Breakthrough.

It's all opinion, of course, but you must agree at least with the fact that it's not the main problem with SH.
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Default 04-22-2003, 06:16 PM

Sorry, I wanted to edit that last bit:

"I see you do agree that it isn't the main problem with SH" hehe, sorry.

Btw you'd be surprised. More players prefer the ability to leanstrafe than those that don't - it's just a lot think leanbinding is lame.

I personally don't see a problem with having the option to leanstrafe in a UI menu but the game is starting to get clogged up with all these new server variables.
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Tiwaz is Offline
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Default 04-22-2003, 06:29 PM

Originally Posted by Ydiss
It's all opinion, of course, but you must agree at least with the fact that it's not the main problem with SH.
I did, although not explicitly.

Originally Posted by Ydiss
They have taken a well balanced and measured game and reduced it to a substandard Quake derrivative.
Agreed and well put.

Furthermore: It is difficult to say what some (most) people don't like about Spearhead. It is the total package that counts in this case. When I first played MoHAA I instantaneously liked it. With Spearhead, almost the complete opposite was the case.

Of course, standing still is going backwards, but one should remember what made one moving onward in the first place. I am not a pro in game development, but they are, they ought to know what made MoHAA such a success? At least, the original developers should.

I just hope they can bring back that very same feeling and gameplay. MoHAA has giving me much pleasure and distraction from the normal everyday routine (or did it change my routine, biggrin: ).
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Default 04-22-2003, 06:48 PM

spearhead had great weapons, Mosin Nagant is the best. But SP was something ibeat in about 3 hours, MP was boring, no good maps, except old maps from MOHAA and maps from other modders, turned into crap, just same thing with crappy effects and a mortar or 2. EA better not screw this up
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imported_captain_howdy is Offline
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Default 04-23-2003, 03:04 AM

EA will need to be 100% flawless in this game to win the community this time. Definently keep the variety of new weapons, fair play(rockets, leaning etc) and props such as Flak 88's and portable MG, but I hope this time they get better maps actually work smooth, rooms which are actually of some importance to the map objective, OBJECTIVE MAPS, and i dont think we need new game types, just more maps!
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Default 04-23-2003, 03:17 AM

I'll make this short and sweet...the graphics of Spearhead are far more better than AA, thats why when I get screens of my stuff, I use SH. oOo:
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r3mix is Offline
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Default 04-23-2003, 03:29 AM


if you want to play it then get a copy off a friend or from somewhere else but do not pay EA to scew you over with buggy products and no support.
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Default 04-23-2003, 08:13 AM

Originally Posted by Zoner91
John Baker...wasn't that the blonde cop on CHiPs?

For those of you too young to remember CHiPs...
I was wondering why I thought that name was so familiar.
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k-i-a is Offline
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Default 04-23-2003, 08:44 AM

Because SH was oOo: it will proberly be the same with the next one. The only good thing i enjoyed about SH was the smoke grenaids M16:
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