01-14-2002, 03:13 AM
I'd like to post in defense of the dude who posted earlier inanother thread in the first place. I don't think he was posting it in an "aha I got the game you don't", kind of way..it was more of, "I got the game, it's fantastic, you're gonna love it"...kind of way. I know this guy..let's call him Jeronimo..Jeronimo has this computer you see, and since he's gotten his computer, he's learned how to get programs he needs for it when he feels fit, because you see there is this thing called the INTERNET, and programs such as Direct Connect, Free Agent..which allow Jeronimo to download these games and applications. Every person that hates Jeronimo for downloading these kinds of software, are two faced themselves, as MP3'S are you're biggest form of piracy. Do you know anyone who hasn't downloaded an MP3???...The moral is..Jeronimo certainly can't afford programs like AutoCAD (which costs $5000.00), and can't afford to buy every other incarnation of Windows, and even though Jeronimo can download any program under the sun..he will buy MOH:AA, because the developers deserve it, and it's damn fun...and when the media hypes up how much money a multi million dollar company has lost? The amount gained is 30 times that, so, enjoy you're software, no matter what way its acquired, and don't be angry because you don't know how to acquire it.
DISCLAIMER: This post was for Jeronimo. The poster does not claim responsibility for Jeronimo's actions.
**B-A**VaL VeNiS(Can.)