Oh and it's the German Africa Private texture ... go see for yourselves.. it's not an accurate airborne skin.. but I doubt accuracy was the goal. He just changed the colour and what not.
who cares i knew it was the texture right as soon as i saw it but still its a good model and looks very good in game
GAUV, seriously....if you don't like my shit, keep it to yourself...there is no need to spam on and on about how angry you are because you cant skin...at one time.....I couldnt skin either....thats why you practice and get better...
GAUV, seriously....if you don't like my shit, keep it to yourself...there is no need to spam on and on about how angry you are because you cant skin...at one time.....I couldnt skin either....thats why you practice and get better...
GAUV, seriously....if you don't like my shit, keep it to yourself...there is no need to spam on and on about how angry you are because you cant skin...at one time.....I couldnt skin either....thats why you practice and get better...
sry i have toi disagree... last time i cheked we werent under saddam;s rule... he is allowed to express his opinions.. and all he is sayin is that u copied... i mean i wouldnt kno but hey he seems pretty sure... and all these other people... would u please mind ur own fukin business... i mean u guyz Really look liek kiss asses ...no lie...
Thanks Scalp and Rogue biggrin: Alright Guarnere tell you what i'll let you keep deceiving these people biggrin: if they fall for it it's their own fault. I liked your winterairborne skin though
[quote="Kamil-RS":b1d0f]nice skin but why is this a sticky? you think your skin is better then everyone elses just because you are a moderator here?[/quote:b1d0f]
Its un sticky now....it was'nt the fact that I think its better than everyone elses....its a new model...since when have you seen a moh a player model released other than Kryzkopfs...just thought id do something nice for you guys, and I get shit on again....thanks guys!! biggrin:
guav can skin awsome.... ignore it man its in every forom on here,,,dont get sucked in..they have no lives other than this.. guarnere can skin too..but hes a numbskull, i think hes a kid cause he has his mom make some of his skins..and talks about other peoples girlfreinds....????????...lol go ahead newt ..make ur lame comment.