I thought the demo was fairly well done. The most notciable part of the AI reactions is when they get behind a wall and shoot out around it without exposing themselves. The sniper rifle could've used a slight bob when in scope view. The rocket launcher explosions could've been bigger. If you've ever seen a law missle explode, you know what I'm talkin' about. Also I think you should be able to snipe the machine gunner in the half track. Also doing the SPR thing to the Tiger would be nice. Having the view slit and shooting your thompson into it. Death animations are choppy and unrealistic. I once shot a guy in the balls and he grabbed his throught and started to gag. Enemy AI never shoot for your head. And one more thing. It don't matter where you shoot a person. If you shoot em' with a colt .45, they're down. Otherwise, the game KICKS ASS!!!!
"EVERYONE fights, NO ONE quits, you don't do YOUR job, and I'll shoot YOU!! DO YOU GET ME!!?!!
Guess not....