My battle on Spearhead with Lee Enfield. -
04-16-2003, 01:13 PM
Ok i just wanted to know, is this score good for a lee enfield? It was on crossroads and i was playing against snipers and stg'ers. I started off bad(hence 30 deaths) but started to pick up on the way. What do u guys think?
[img][/img] mwah: mwah: evil:
the map came round again in rotation and i got this score man i love the enfield :
Nice score, although the rest of the people in that battle don't seem too good. In my experience, when using a rifle and there are lots of experienced players around, with various weapons, it's not very easy to top the list. I always settle for a nice death/kill ratio. Good ping helps too.
For example: I'm used to a ping of about 40-70. Rifling with a ping >100 will take me some time to get use too. At first, I will suck. Badly.
Man that was some ownage but thats not a word.Nice though i htough it was a good score for both of you i haved better like no death and 50 kills buti dont know how to open my screenshot file so nice -=NaZi=-|2nd|Col.SA-X
Good amount of kills BUT alot of deaths the guy at the top of the Axis in your first screenshot HE must OWN! 44 killsand only 14 deaths THATS FRIGGIN AMAZING!