Originally Posted by mrangry
easier? the way i understand wallhacks is it modifies some opengl file and binds a key or two, are they doing it differently now?
Yeh, they're old news now in the "cheat scene". They've been replaced with fully UI activated hacks. No fog, ESP skins (Extra Sensory Perception skins - it basically renders the other players after it's rendered the map) Wireframe or invis entities, the lot.
Sure, it still won't make you an amazing player all by itself, you still have to aim (there is
no fully working aimbot for MoH) but it gives a huge advantage.
If you find yourself being repeatedly shot at by one particular player almost instantly after appearing round corners or out of buildings and suspect them then try spectating them.
It's easier to spot if you actually have the cheat loaded (You can see them following players with their crosshair even though they can't see them) but if you don't it's still quite obvious.
Hell, I watched someone last night who was using it and he admitted he was using it. Another person on the server admitted it too.
Two people in one game.
Mind you this is on a German server and the site that provides all these cheats is German, so it kinda makes sense.
Sad as it may be, I still manage to beat a lot of these players who use this hack. Just because they know where the other players are doesn't mean they can kill them a lot quicker. It really helps them keep their death-rate down, though.
Remember though... this doesn't mean everyone uses it. I'd say most good players I've seen and spectated aren't using this cheat at all (you can tell with experience) so don't go around accusing everyone who has good reactions and experience of the game that they hack.
You'd really have to see the thing working first hand before you could have any real true knowledge of who is using it and who is just plain good.