regular army infantry never gets any cedit, regardless of the fact that they fought 75% of the battles in WW2. I'm guilty too, I like the 82nd. most people think that the 101st was the BIG airborne unit in WW2, always forgetting the fact that the 82nd was the first, and longest activated airborne unit in the war. it also saw the most combat. anyways, what im gettin at here is I think (and I would be willing to help) that someone , maybe you, should make a big red 1 and all american mod. that would rule to switch back and forth between the two. as history went they ran into each other a lot so it would be easily explained. plus enough multiplayer maps where you just run around wildly killing and dying. lets start to make maps , not objective maps, but tdm maps where you are on a frontline and one side , can be either side, has to take initiative to attack. or both sides can just sit and defend. more like a real war. just some ideas for you, oh and, like i said, I'll help if ou start makin this.