I finally found a server that plays Tractorworks, but its listed in the game lsearch as (2.11). When i start my game and check my version it reads (2.15). When i try to connect to the server i get kicked back to the main menu.
Is there a version conflict, because i really dont see ANY servers that have a ver( 2.15).......or something else.
BTW I can load both maps (myself) i.e. DM and TOW.
you probably dont have the map you have to dl and put it in your main folder and mainta folder. You should still be able to connect to 2.11 servers because they made the patches compatible
I dont know exactly what it means, but the jist of it is that your map doesnt match the servers map.
you're right, i don't play spearhead so i don't know what was modified in the patch, but it's throwing you out because your version of that specific map is different.
btw only put a map in your main folder, otherwise you'll get lots of fucked up sound problems.