Well heres the post. Urban Assault which consists of myself, Spiers and Guarnere are off to a great start. We have mostly everything planned and a few models completed thanks to Guarnere. However we are in need of a few more members. We need an animator to give these wonderful weapons animation reloads as some of them are screwy. We need some expert skinners to help with the mods main goal to completely reskin the current maps to modern day and we also need 1 or 2 player skinnners. We also need 1 or 2 new mappers as we have a few already, the maps are important or it would be pointless. Also we need someone with the knowledge to help us put it together in its own directory. I have some connections but more help is needed. Also if you want to help out Guarnere on the models fell free to join, models are needed even though they are close to done. We could also use a hostorian and a sound tech as we are short on help.
We are in need of a new site badly. Anyone who would like to make or admin a webpage we are in need.
The mod in total is about 6 or 7 percent done. We are worrying about the mapping and the game to run by itself not interfering with normal MOHAA. Uf we cant then the mod will have to be clientside which would have been a waste of our time.
A brief discription of our mod is that it will be a modern day warfare mod which will include new Allies and Axis weapons and also new voice taunts. All the stock Mohaa maps will be re skinned to give it an appearance of a modern day battlefield with new added modern vehicles locted through out the map. It will also include a few modern maps made by our mappers. We will not release a demo but there will be beta version with the above changes. If the mod is successful then there will be discussion of a small single player campaign in the near future. We are always open for suggestions also, that is a key to this mod.
The weapons being added are as follows:
MII Frag grenade - Modern Frag
M1 Garand- M16A2 - *
Springfield - M82A1 - Thompson - M4A1 - *
BAR - M249 -
Bazooka - SMAW -
Shotgun - Modern Shotgun M590 - *
P38 - Glock - *
Kar -
Kar Sniper - Dragunov -
Mp 40 - AK 47 - *
MP44 - GP30 -
Panzershreck - RPG -
Shotgun - M590 - *
* indicates already modelled and in-game
The release date has been set around june, mid-June depending on the help and co operation of you guys. We need your help.
Please email applications and suggestions to
se_winters@hotmail.com or
here are a few mod shots to help you make your mind on helping us or not:
PM me or email