CKR, and most equal weapons mods are fine. ARES-5 is OK, but like any other realism mod, it just takes some adjusting to. People will complain about one thing or the other about mods they dont like, but in the end, as long as everyone is playing on the same mod, its just whining.
Thanks guys. Tried the the ARES-5 mod and it worked well. Shook things up enough to add some new spice to the game. The bazooka wimps were a little ticked, but who cares.
Hey, Stryker! I'm actually a Manhattanite transplanted in this lousy town by work, not by choice. I'm a wildcat through and through.
I'm using a realism mod from the now defunct Krieg Schweine (KS) clan. All weapons are "strong." The most differentiating feature are tracers. You can get the PK3 from my site.
Thanks guys. Tried the the ARES-5 mod and it worked well. Shook things up enough to add some new spice to the game. The bazooka wimps were a little ticked, but who cares.
Hey, Stryker! I'm actually a Manhattanite transplanted in this lousy town by work, not by choice. I'm a wildcat through and through.