i have only one dispute with the MP demo. its simply this, when i shot my sidearm lastnight in an objective based game, the bullets went EVERYWHERE, i would say 2 out of 8 rounds hit where i wanted them to. dont get me wrong, i like the realism with the rifles and machineguns jumping all over the place when fired, but come on...this is a hand gun...IRL these things dont jump like that unless you are a weak armed being. most people shooting hand guns HIT their target on the first few shots...but in this game i have to REALLY concentrate to hit REMOTELY in the area of my target.
not really, because the pistol doesnt do that much damage so other's wouldnt go to useing it for their primary weapon. unless they are just BEGGING to get killed. i think that the sidearm should be the ONLY weapon that can be controled with ease, being as its such a weak weapon in the first place.
The pistol is a last resort weapon for when your in a close fight and you run ou of ammo,thats why its the only weapon your able to hit ppl with. And it does its job fine, specially in realism mod. When im out of ammo i take out my pistol and finish him off.
Besides i saw a guy put a round in another guys head with his pistol from accros the street. Everyone was like wow man nice shot !!
Snipes I mean, think about it, The first shot is very accurate, then gets pretty bad, if all the shots were accurate it would be very easy to cap a guy with a pistol, and yes it does considerable dmg to the upper torso, neck, and head.
The pistol *should* be the weakest weapon, in my opinion. Thanks to it, no player in the game will be more powerful than anybody else for a long period of time.
I've tested it out and I know exactly what you mean but I found out why...and its kind of ironic because its more realistic this way..lol If you shoot the pistol your hand will move up a bit and it takes you atleast a second to re-aim in real life...and just like in the game, if you shoot too fast your bullets go high. I've got it pretty much timed now, you just have to wait a little longer and you will be much more accurate...happy shooting..
well, i will try the "wait a few" method. see, if you cant tell by my name, i am almost ALWAYS useing the sniper rifle. needless to say it isnt made for up close combat, thus when i find myself in a sticky spot i resort to my pistol. ill try to just aim high and hope for a head or neck shot right off the bat. thanks guys for the input