Check out [u]MY[/u] M1 Garand! -
05-10-2003, 07:07 PM
Added a strap to the weapon and a new bayonet. bayonet is a lil bit longer than Guarnere's but not so long that its stupid looking. the strap is self explanatory. I used a nice texture on it too so it looks as real as possible.
fuckin right ive been waiting for a strap but i didnt bothe to ask anyone to make it cause i figured whats the point if it doestn swa in the wind or anything but oh well
you can see the strap when reloading or running. and Ive got the bar with strap and tripod almost done too biggrin: . anyways, ill post a link for this inna bit. pretty drunk right now but imma try and finish it up.