Geeze, there are getting to be a lot of models that people are making out there, way to many for you to have all of them at once....but what if someone could make a mod to where you don't have to replace a gun with a new one. Like have a bigger selection to choose from. Ok if you still don't understand, think of it this way. If you have the MP-5 for example in lets say the STG44 slot, but you also want the AK-47 which also goes in the STG44 spot, there should be a mod to where you wouldn't have to replace the MP-5 with the AK-47, see what im saying? Like when you select a weapon, the selection of weapson is like doubled, instead of the regular two rows "Allied Weapons" "Axis Weapons", you have four rows "Allied (Modern) "Allied (WWII) and "Axis (WWII)" "Axis (Modern)".....ok this may sound stupid and confusing to you, but this is just an idea that would be cool. If you don't like it, just don't post anything. Thanks.
Nope, not to me, and a lot of other people. Do you not notice a whole bunch of people making modern weapons and such? But you know it's all cool, everyone is entitled to have their own opinion, and I respect yours.
Could be done.
Remove all weapons from your selection menu, and have maps with armouries...
You spawn @ the back of a map, on your way to the battle feild there is a bunker with respawning weapons. Each weapon has its max ammo so people cant grab all the guns and split. You pick the gun you want, nades, pistol etc etc...