hi does any 1 know if there is a skin i can use to stop people from seeing me who have wall hack in, just i snipe alot then all of a sudden from no where a nade blows me up its pissing me off helpppppppppppppp i need a anti wall hack who makes these any way can they not be stopped
Other people will not see the skin you're wearing if they don't have them installed. So no.
Only thing you can do to not encounter cheaters is to join servers where they run some anticheat tool (not completely waterproof, but it helps), or avoid infamous cheating servers (mostly public ones).
[quote="sgt.hunter":37d52]hi does any 1 know if there is a skin i can use to stop people from seeing me who have wall hack in, just i snipe alot then all of a sudden from no where a nade blows me up its pissing me off helpppppppppppppp i need a anti wall hack who makes these any way can they not be stopped[/quote:37d52]
ever think of this... ur a sniper and im guessing u camp alot. so ur camping.. shooting at people. u can be easily found due to muzzle flash, and the fact that everyone knows every single camping spot in the game. i suggest u try to hide better
Actually, you can also go on the MOH server. Yeah, I know they drop a load of fundie bullshit on ya, but if you watch your language (they boot for swearing oOo: ) its a fast server, and on a lot.
Register at menofgod.us for their map collection, too.