i have a
AMD K-6 450mhz
Geforce 2 Pro 64meg
i can run RTCW on "High Quality" (beatifully) but when i try and run MOHAA it runs like crap... me personally i think that MOHAA has some compadibily issues!
dude, RTCW was built on same engine and runs on OpenGL only, i think tha if i could run RTCW on Hight quality fine, then i could run MOHAA, like i stated before, compatibily issues...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>i have a pentium 2 450 mhz
64 ram and voodoo 2 and i can run it on the lowest thing without lagg or hack<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
wtf is, hack ????
------------------ didn't this game go gold like a long time ago? whats the big ass delay? they burning cdr's in their garages?