Originally Posted by Hobbs
lol Innoxx ur really something... I bet you knew that all of the guns he converted are actually hack jobs themselves. Why dont you go cry to those people and give them idle threats of being sued by the orig authors... oOo: You are pathetic. Also about you working and having no time to make mods or model... I work a full time job and D goes to school so dont make lame excuses why you cant do it when WE CAN! just leave us alone if you dont have something useful to say... cause we've all heard ur lame ass "hope u give credit" B.S. on just about every post.
Take it easy Tojo. again, beating a dead horse. I left you alone when you put proper creds in your readme. So I have no business with you anymore. The hackjobs were done by credible people and gave proper credits without having to be ragged on about it.
I just hate it when people go around converting shit from other games and calling it their own, and worst off the majority believed them. That is an insult to the creator of the model/skin and an insult to customisation patrons such as myself.
Deleto is credible in the MOHAA community, he makes awesome scopes and whatnot. I was just making sure that if any of the converted models were released that the proper credit is given, if you don't remember the original authors give me a holler and I'll be glad to help you out.
I'm just concerned that's all. I'm involved in many games and I've seen what can happen when somebody rips off work that isn't theirs. I hope I cleared things up, I don't mean to come about all hostile.