Well Innoxx. I am actua;;y keeping the oringinal readme's from all of the models I get and just adding my name as the mohaa converter, and no, I'm not pissed at you. I think it's important to give credit where its deserved. I was pretty drunk last night, so thats where my silly rant came from...ahhh the hangover now....
oh and I know all about the difficulties of proper modelling as I used to model planes for microsoft's combat flight sim. those take forever.
anyways. I'll eventually release them all, but I wanted to release one of them today. The reason for releasing one only is to keep from flooding out the new models. I think its a good idea to keep people checkin back for the new ones and to make each one special.
today it looks like the mp41 and the kar are tied. So ill go with the mp41 since there arnt many mods out for that weapon anyways. so here it is. hope yall enjoy and keep voting. Its still not definate the KAR is next. if youd rather get one of the others first then vote for it and try to catch it up.
heres the credits that are included in the readme:
mp41 model for axis mp40
mohaa model edit and conversion: Dr De|eto
mohaa skin edit and conversion: Dr De|eto
mohaa scripting: Dr De|eto
dod mp40 Model: Good ol' Billy
Skin : Agent~0 /Blackheart73/Glimsharp & De@dMe@t Edits.
Bullet Texture : P Witty
Wood Texture : Ripa,Remapped By De@dMe@t.
Can u convert an M-16 or a M-249 SAW I whould do it my self, I have the tools, Ive been tryin but just cant get them to work I keep askin but no body helps me
those are some sweet model conversions for this game. i think the kar should go next since you made the black ops sniper rifle skin for allies, but we still using default axis skin. nice work on all though!
deleto u need to release that sniper rifle,It looks great and im a big fan of enemy at the gate's major konig.so please release it or send it to powerman50011@aol.com PLEASE i beg of u mwah: angel: