my great-grandparents died in russia in a NAZI storm and my grandparents served in russian army as did my dad... im sry but i wanted to say this for a while... FUCK YOU, YOU GODDAMNED BITCH UP FREAKS WHO CALL THEMSELVES HUMAN BIENGS!!! (IMATATION)*OH WOW I'M A FAG I COULD KILL A FUCKING UNARMED CIVILIAN WITH MY MP30 (OR WATEVA) SMG*!!!... i'm sry i just had to get that outta my system shall we resume conversing now??? (by the way i'm a jew to)
Once you see the first light of life you're future is decided... death by the Knight!
[This message has been edited by 0Knight0 (edited January 16, 2002).]
We mean no disrespect to anyone involved in WWII by being in an Axis clan. And for your information, I am Catholic. We were also persecuted by Nazis in WWII. Also, Stalin and Lennin killed more Russians then the Germans did in WWII.
yes, yes i know but i ain't talking only about russains and jews who got hurt by it im talking to the Americans out there who lost there family or friend's lives fighting for good... as well i must include britain and France and all the other allied contries
Once you see the first light of life you're future is decided... death by the Knight!
both my Paternal and Maternal Grandfathers fought and lived through WW2...many of their froends didn't...they are both dead now themselves,and I never got the chance to hear any of their stories...For that I am saddened,as the recountings of this war will forever be condemned to books and films....
Mein Ehre Heisst Treue
Das Geminschaft
2nd SS Panzer Division