yeah man, u can try for some snes and maybe some neo geo emulators. Oh yea btw guys, ever wanted to play your snes roms online?? Well i have the program for ya to do it, go to and this thing actually works too. I played turtles in time with a bud the other day, anyways hope ya like the program
Any body play arcade roms. Those are the shit like metal slug and marvel vs. capcom. I use Winkawaks and I have almost 200 roms on it. I have only played about 10 of them which are my favorite: metal slug and marvel vs. capcom. Anybody know a good website where u can get csp1 and csp2 roms. Im currently looking for marvel vs. capcom 2 which i know is available for the consoles but i want it for the emulator.
yeah man, u can try for some snes and maybe some neo geo emulators. Oh yea btw guys, ever wanted to play your snes roms online?? Well i have the program for ya to do it, go to and this thing actually works too. I played turtles in time with a bud the other day, anyways hope ya like the program
That program is awesome, I usually only play TMNT4, SMASH TV, Contra 3, and get my ass kicked in Mortal Kombat II.
^^^ Best Emu site....They have N64 Emus too. 1964 is a good N64 emu, I d/led it and it would have worked if I had a better graphics card than the 32mb intel chip I have now.
KaZaa is the best place for Roms. You'll spend hours getting fucked around if you try and search for them on search engines.