My first player skin, allied_walker is finished. I made the textures and da_neural was nice enough to wrap it up for me. Here are some screenshots, thanks to Scalping Chief for posing.
There is only one problem... my gear (canteen, shovel) show up as green and have no detail when this is what the gear .tga looks like.
And how the hell can I get these on the skin?
Something tells me this post will take a long time to load.
I have to perfect it with 2 grenades, dirty hands, a jumpknife, and my gear the right colors. I will send it to you as soon as I get it done because I dont want to release a half finished skin!
Nice... I edited .tgas for the holster, grenade, and jumpknife and I will have the models for each of them soon. I'll send them when I get them and maybe you can add them on as well if you can figure it out, because I've tried it and god knows I cant.