C'mon fella, hard drives are relatively cheap these days for the rediculous amount of storage space we get. I think for less than $100.00 you can get 30G @ 7200 RPMs.
I had and still do have an 8 gig drive, spent a $100 odd for a 20gig 7200rpm seagate last year and slapped it in as a secondary. Now I keep my windows install and a few specific programs on my 8 gig and all my other crap on my 20 gig.
Lady Astor: "Winston, if I were your wife I'd put poison in your coffee."
Winston Churchill: "Nancy, if I were your husband I'd drink it."
what u all worried about, sheet i got my pc a year ago and i gots 512 mb ram (upgraded to 1 gig) 1 gig p3, GeForce 3 Ti 500 (just added) and an 80 gig HD....i guess its cuz i live in the USA and we are very blessed...but still anyone with a 1.2 gig HD is living back in the stone age!!!
I have a 30 gig harddrive and I only have like 7 gigs left. I guess I should start backing up all of my videos, pictures, mp3s, etc. I also have a bunch of games I do not play all that much. The only half-life mod I play now is Day of Defeat so I am going to erase Counter-strike along with some other mods I have. Maybe I will reformat....
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Frambosie: ....but still anyone with a 1.2 gig HD is living back in the stone age!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
1.2 GB is whats is required to run the game. I have a 8GB HD partitioned into 4 2 GB sections. Time to spend £85 I guess.