Dr. Deleto chould u help us? -
05-18-2003, 05:54 PM
We need sumbody to get the models in-game I whould but dont know how, we have all the models we just need to get them in chould ya do it for us, if your to busy thats ok
O forgot to say this, its for a TC
heres the link on TMT [url:c735d]http://www.modtheater.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&postid=62585#post62585[/url:c735d]
ok the I was wunderin if i chould use hand guns u converted?
M1 -gerand - M16
Springfield - M21
Thompson - MP5K
BAR - M249 SAW
Shotgun - FP6? I think thats the name
Kar sniper - M-76
MP40 - scorpion
Stg44 - AK47
Grande for both allied and axis will be the M67
There ya go thx again have them back ASAP,
Im ganna have to send them on tusday sumthins wrong with the inter net today
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!please DONT GIVE THEM TO ANYBODY please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yo, dr just like to say for the record i think your ace but lt me say this 2 1234 wutever his name is..... HE IS NOT THE ONLY MODDER/SKINNER HERE SO CUT YOUR SHIT