well i like all the new guns u guys are releasing, but I want other guns to be replaced by them
for example, the g43 sucks and I want the wrapped kar to replace this in sh as i dont play aa anymre
Also, i want g's socom to replace the colt 45 not the p38
Do i just replace all the files that mention kar with their g43 equilvalent, such as tik, urc and shader files, or will this just cause a major fuck up?
You misunderstand me - like the wrapped kar pk3 - replace the kar files with the g43 files from the original pk3's but not change the originals, then add my wrapped kar pk3 with the g43 files to mainta. would this work?
You want to use the KAR98 Sniper designed for AA in Spearhead? There is a mod available somewhere (I think on this site).
If you extract all original KAR files from the MoHAA .pk3's, rename them to g43 files (see the Spearhead .pk3's) and create a new .pk3 it might work. Not sure.
No - I want u use dr deletos wrapped kar in spearhead. but after i copied it to my mainta - all i could use was still the g43 - so im trying to get the wrapped kar to replace the g43 - so now if i rename the files in the wrapped kar pk3 to g43 then it should work?
Re Bren gun:
Just watch the CoD trailler if you wanna see a bren in action - when it names the nationalities available - ater british it has one being fired
Thats the reason im buying CoD, fuck your superb game engine, being able to drag casulties to safety, teamwork, intelligent ai, 24 missions. Just a Bren gun will do it for me
i could import it from dod to replace teh BAR i guess if you wanted but anims may take me a while im just starting tho learn anims. id love to give it a shot though
Yep, sounds like a good idea. Something for you to practise on. Im ot bothered if you cant tho - The sig is left over rom around 2 months ago when m#e and walker were trying to persuade people to make it
if you did that, it would cause a major fuckup in the model. ive been hearing a lot of talk about it replacing the g43 tho. I do beleive theres a dmflag to replace the g43 with the kar. if you do that then it should work.
This activates the KAR sniper. Of course, only on your server. You can't do this on other servers you join. Just find a server that has the KAR enabled.
And the wrapped will KAR work. If put in the mainta folder.