I think that what's going on is that they have a smaller outter cardboard box, and a DVD case to contain the CD. (Along with tiny manuals and subscription paper.
My gues is the outside is cardboard, wile the inside contains a dvd box,
would be fucked if it contained a normal cd case cos i always seem to brake them, some how.
[This message has been edited by DigitalSmoke (edited January 18, 2002).]
That's gay - I thought the the whole purpose of putting the game in a DVD-style case was to save on cardboard and create more space on retail shelves. What's the point of putting a DVD case inside a smaller box???
Why is this all of a sudden a big deal for the game media types...they have been using these "mini" boxes for several months now on various titles. Why are they just now presenting it as a "new" thing?
I think it's sad we're losing our great large boxes of the past. I loved them as a kid I would keep the boxes and arrange them in a display. Bigger is bolder and better for me. And if this game doesn't come with a paper manual...I'm gonna flip.
The box looks like SHIT
Attracts more attention to an already hyped-up product. Now CNN have something to report. "And in other news, EA is rolling out the first of the new DVD-style cases with it's anticipated action game..."
now why would EA try to break the process of introducing the dvd box as a standard for games? I just got used to the dvd box and now we're going back to useless cardbox which we all end up throwing away anyways? Ive got over 400 games, imagine me saving all those cardboard boxes....i'd need a shed just for them..