Originally Posted by DeadlySiner
Theres a link to the dl
Also INNOX ive have been in thesr forums for only a short while... Have you ever made anything maps mds ect ect NOPE have you ever said anything positive other than trying to suck up to Gaurnere to get something NOPE and get rid of that dumbass sig you have ... I mean whats with the HE/She you gay get off on it or something ...I hate to being mean or flaming someone BUT RESPECT is given when its recieved .. Any one disagree??[/quote:6fa98]
1. I don't play MOHAA anymore because it is an overrated piece of rhino shit.
2. I have made recolours and reskins of weapon back in the day, only released them to a select group, they seemed satisfied.
3. I've never sucked up to Guarnere, why should I?
4. Why are you so interested in Milla? Are you looking for some company?
5. I'll give you respect when you stop biting off more than you can chew.
I do give positive comments to people who deserve it. Some dick recolours the wood to disgusting colours doesn't deserve it. Modellers, skinners, mappers and animators get my respect.
I rarely see any of then here anymore. Just a bunch of kids who like to recolour and steal other people's works.
Ps. Spelling my name right. Bitchface.