what a bunch of crap. whats wrong with machineguns that kill with 2 bullets? its darn realistic. The fact that you don't like it when someone shoots across the street and hits a target is the way it is in real life...you just wanna be able to kill from 2 feet away, which to me sounds like you are either a quaker, or someone with a 14 inch monitor that cant see the enemy on screen from big distances.
Hey Quiet, you say in your MoHAA server FAQ that having a comp networked with the deticated server is just as bad as a non-dedicated...
That can't be true. I recently visited Fragpuppy's T-1, Kibbles was networked with the server, full 32 players, no lag at all.
How would someone networked with the server make any more difference than another user logged on remotely? From what I know about TCP-IP and bandwith, this cannot cause any more lag, especially on a 100TX ethernet network..
I agree that with the realism mod the stg44 is a bit too uber. It doesnt spread enough and you can really own with it. The rest seems ok except the mauser still seems too weak. Ive planted one in the square of the back of a guy only to have to put another in him.
why are you flaming me and calling me a lamer? i dont suck at this game im very good actually. there isnt a huge difference. but the MGs/SMGs are not, IMO, fun.
Headshots are one thing, but getting shot twice on an extremely difficlt angle shot from across the map by someone who is going full auto with a MG is stupid. Ive seen it happen over n over n over.
Personally i feel this takes away from the skill and challenge of the game.
So guess what, if you dont like my MOD dont play it. I think most hardcore players will like it though.