Well i have been in this thread for a couple of days and came to a conclusion that what maps are the most FPS Hogs that we all play, I beleave the one that kills most FPS is Holland for some reason that map
eats up alot of FPS before i got the command for the FPS com_maxfps
this map would be like 20 to 40 at most and the server had to be at least
T1or T3 or better to run this map. Also the amount of players in the server
as well if thier are 16 or less its playable more then that it really Lags, and thats not including using the 50 Cal. What maps have you all played that
eat up your FPS and hogged it.
Hmm those maps are pretty good for me but thats because i have a GF4
But Malta also for some reason when thier are alot of people tends to hog
as well.
it also depends on the server. IVe played on one server where Cross roads runs really smooth. like....silk I guess oOo: . And then another hwere you are litterally walking like a lego man