yea guys with names kyle annoy me too
but they are so damn sexy
anyway mine are
1. people who are sports fans only when a major sporting event comes around i.e. People who become soccer fans every 4 years for the world cup, and people who become hockey, basketball, baseball fans every time the playoffs for each sport is on.
2. people who post on internet forums
3. people who think fishing is for old fat redneck men
4. people who are stupid but think they are the smartest people in the universe
5. innoxx
People who walk like their picking daisies alongside the road. When I go out and I have to walk somewhere, like on the College campus, I want to get to the place I'm going and not dilly dally along. Move your fucking asses out of the way.
anto hero
people who leave msn chats without saying bye
people who use so many dots in msn when talking like this
"hey whats the baby.....bitches like it when you go down........on them"