I have heard NOT to install the latest det. driver..When I bought my gforce 3 TI 500, the sellsman in EB even told me not to install the newest det. driver, what do you guys think? I'm still using the driver off my disk that came with my gforce 3..every game I have runs smooth --50 fps or better.
except MOH:AA 20 fps or less..Should I install the new driver?
With all due respect of EB and it's employees. I would not listen to them. At least not the ones in RI. That’s like asking the Radio Shack employee a technical question. LOL
I'm currently running the latest det. drivers with XP, without a problem.
***If your not having problems with your card do not upgrade the drivers. Use the ones you currently have *** If it is not broke don’t break it – get the hint
I'm running the 23ll drivers and seem to be fine. (now that I said that I should have all sorts of problems on the 22nd when the games comes in)
What type of problems have you herd about with these drivers??? Just so I know.
All the sites I goto have not mentioned anything. There was some problems with other drivers but I skipped that version.
When I installed the 23.11 drivers, I had mad problems. My network card stopped functioning, sound freaked out, all sorts of stuff. I would have to recommend you stick with the manufacturer's drivers.
Manufacturers' drivers all follow the same reference design given to them from Nvidia. The only things that are changed and/or added is special features the manufacturer added to the card.
I got the 23.11's and all my games run like crap, same with the 2183's. My suggestion is d/l the new drivers, try them, if you dont like em' use driver rollback or system restore.
"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."
The 23.11 modify a north bridge register on VIA motherboards that they shouldn't have. The problems are mainly with KT266/KT266A chipsets and 23.11 drivers.
I'm using thte 23.12's dated 12 dec 01 ... on a GF 3 TI 200 and don't notice much of a difference. Then again, I do have a Biostar QS 750 MB, Athlon 600, 288mb ram