Ok, so today i went out and got a comp.
Here it is:
P4 1.6
512mb DDR RAM
80 gig HD
32mb TNT2 AGP vid. card.
16x burner
16x DVD
ok so the first thing i got for my comp was medal of honor sp demo to see how kick ass it would run, so i got into the game and the screen started flashing and doing all this glitchy shit, then i restarted, and i played again, i did not get all the glitchy but the fucking game ran at about 10-15 fps
WTF y cant shit ever work good for me?
SpecialChild, I've got the same Video Card as you and I get at most 30fps when nothing is happening BUT I can only get about 8-10fps when the fighting starts! And thats with 640x480 and the lowest settings!
It's the video card! I'm trying to save enought cash to get at a gforce 3!
Close isn't good enough unless you throw a grenade!
To jobi1:
Yes, i am running on the very lowest of all video settings(friend runs on medium). It cannot be the video card, how does EA expect to sell MOH if you need at least a 64mb geforce2?
They are not gonna get shit for sales.
Trust me, i got better fps on my old 600mhz.
could it be fucking windows xp?
theres no way in hell that you can have a 1.6, 512 megs DDR ram, 32mb TNT2 AGP vid.(i realize this aint great but shit it aint bad) and still get only 10 fps.
Could it have something to do with my sound?
Cuz i can hardly hear my sound anyway even with the sound all the way up.
yes it could be your sound, try setting it to low quality and see if that helps. I have a 1ghz t-bird, 384 ram, 16mb tnt2, sound blaster live x-gamer and with everything on max the game runs smooth even in good battles. only thing i have a prob with is the smoke at the start and on tanks.
1.6 GHz...512 MB of Ram...and then such an oldi graphics card? It doesn't go. Not even a Geforce 2 does. Get a Geforce 3 Ti 200 for only 150 bucks. If you do that, expect the game to go like a hot knife through butter.
The graphics card is slowly becoming the most important part of any gaming machine. Face the future
Definitely the card. More and more developers for the PC are developing for the newest cards (geforce 2 and 3). In the very near future, you won't be able to run any games without 64 Mb vid Ram.
Change the card.
Also, XP is a hog, especially if you have all of the toys turned on. Kill as much eye candy as possible, defrag your drive, then try again.