Yeh, my maths was hypothetical, nut mate. Just 'cos I get 104 in 20 minutes doesn't mean I can get 104 for every 20 minutes thereafter.
But still. I simply posted it to show how unamazing the original post was.
I pointed out that the shotgun is easy on Stalingrad and also that any old fool could get over 1000 kills if they play long enough.
My maths was just to expose exactly how easy it is. It has to be hypothetical as we weren't playing the same players and it wasn't the same game mode.
You say I couldn't neccessarily get up to 1045 maintaining a kill ratio of 100/20, though... At 104 I was hardly taxed and that is 1/10 of the way already done.
I beg to differ

If I wanted to get to 1045 and do it fast I could. I don't though, I'd not enjoy it.
Also, one of the players who left before the end was quite close to me in score and ping. I lead him by around 20 the whole way and he was taking his fair share of kills, too.
Now if he played against me all the time it'd be harder to get 1000+ fast. It all depends on your opposition.
Also, although my ping is very good(refering to your first post), I sadly have a voodoo3 and Duron 700 set-up. I tend to get under 25 fps all the time in Stalingrad, so ping's not much of an advantage to me until I upgrade.
I count 6 100+ pingers in my screenshot, and only one 200+ pinger (who has the second highest score at any rate). That leaves 15 with decent pings. I don't think I had that much of an advantage, really.
I have played for 8 hours on MoH:AA demo before, but on The Hunt. I'd get bored of Stalingrad after 3 hours, let alone 8.
FFA dissapoints me greatly in MoH.
You are right about the fact that my example doesn't really compare to GODJOEY'S, but I wasn't really trying to out-do him, I was just trying to make a point
[This message has been edited by Ydiss (edited January 22, 2002).]