Oh god, that tired analogy again. It's not a house, it's a public space.
I have a board too, and I recognize the fact that having opened it to the public the public are entitled to have their say in it. I have never attempted to manipulate their opinions or steer the tone towards blind approval of Oleg's game. It's a public forum, for honest and open debate.
I've said it before and I'll say it again (as it applies to me too)...if a board owner isn't up to the job of allowing free speech he shouldn't be running a board in the first place.
And if you really think slagging a crap game equates to "dis-respecting" the owner of the place in which it is done I can only think of you as a naive kid. Do you really think EVERYone is going to be satisfied with 2015's standard of work? Some of us have been around games long enough to be able to recognize key components at a glance, and MoH's reek of amateurish hackery.
Give a kid eye-candy and he'll wet himself. Adults are a little more discerning and most of us see the difference between a year's worth of BS hype and the reality. I don't appreciate being bullshitted to for all that time, only to be badly disappointed at the end of a long wait.
Now one has to wonder what kind of mentality blindly cheer-leads for a bunch of strangers who fully intend to be driving around in Porsche-911's on the back of our hard-earned dollars, for a sub-standard product that they were either unable or not bothered to do properly. It's suckers like you who let them get away with it, and shaft those of us who clearly see what's going on, and has been going on in the western development houses for the past seven years.
So long as you kiss their arses they'll carry on doing it, and getting away with it.
Single player...by all accounts it should be possible to finish it in two days tops. Then what...oh yeah, a £20 expansion pack. £20 for something that should have shipped with the full game in the first place.
You are mugs, suckers and tools. The whole western games industry depends on suckers like you to fuel their phat salaries while they do the minimum possible for it. Wake up and smell the fucking coffee bud cos unless you and others do it'll only get worse.