<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stony: If you want PORN, go buy a magazine you perv.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Actually I think the slang is spelled pr0n, with a zero and not an o, But its been discussed before they made some cuts with the players movement, no prone, no leaning.
u can lean....o and on the movies of the beach scene....he was lying down....(watch the part where he is about to blow up the fence.......when it is blown up and they start running.....u see your hand touch the floor and push u up from the ground...But u can't go Prone no more they got rid of it..i don't know why! (some one will prob's make a mode soon for it though.....wink wink )