Alright...Can you guys tell me something POSITIVE about Allied Assault?!?! So far all I've heard are disappointing facts about the game, and these are not bug either, but simply bad programming, which really makes me sad...Can you guys share something positive with us now? My game will be here any minute now and I'm really not looking forward of refunding it...Well that's all, hope you can help. Thankz~
The SP runs a 'bit' smoother then the SP demo.
/me tries to stay positive
oh yeah, The SP runs a bit smoother then the SP demo. Or did I already say that?
Sorry bud but this gamer feels cheated. In hindsight I shoulda waited for it to hit $29.
Great immersion and atmosphere, unique singleplayer, exciting and original multiplayer, WWII, easily mod-able, good community. And I don't think the programming is bad at all, just maybe there's not enough in some places.
I think the objective maps are good, I played through the same 4 todays for hours. They just need more of them, cus they're the real fun ones. Hopefully people will start making their own soon.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dino: YOU ARE AN IDIOT Capt_CruncH because where have you played your MP maps to be disappointed?
GameSpy? ...I think not<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
lol, your an idiot. I got the game at BestBuy this morning and yes I did play on Lamespy.
Cant chat in there but the games are listed and there were lots of em. Get a clue before you make an ass out of yourself.
[This message has been edited by Capt_CruncH (edited January 21, 2002).]
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sintax: I played on Gamespy for hours today.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
were you ever blown up by "Jason" and his panzeshrek.. if so that was my 7yr old. 4 hours he was at 300 somethin camping the choke points, he was giggling his asss off too.
You and you're "chokepoints!" If he was doing that I would have just sniped him in the face. Seriously, I know you want to enjoy it, and are having a hard time but give the maps a bit more of a chance.