I'm sure there will be a strategy guide to help you get thru the harder parts of the maps. Personally I like the challenge. If you're stuck, back away from the game for a bit. Inspiration usually happens when you're doing something totally unrelated to what you're having problems with.
here's a better idea...use quicksave every 5 yards. I finished the game on hard and i'll tell man... some sub-missions are rediculously hard. Still they are all do-able.
BTW if you happened to play on hard, some parts that seems like nazi respawning at a super rate, make a run for it....30% you'll get away with 10 health left. Some parts you'll have to deal with 6 nazis with just 1 clip (reloading = you're dead)aim for the head.
[This message has been edited by Big'O nutsacs (edited January 22, 2002).]
I just get the uniform and showed my paper til I get to the floor where you gotta destroy some thing...then the scientists went ballistic but i killed them and then kept running. I don't remember much now but I think that was the only time I used the disguise. Just to get to the scientists and that was it...all hell broke lose after.
Toward the end of the game, you gotta do that crap again but I have no idea what i was doing. I got the uniform and they still shot at me so I never actually did the disguise thing again.
[This message has been edited by Big'O nutsacs (edited January 22, 2002).]
The game was very hard, I had to play a lot of the missions over again. Wait til you get to the very end, you'll get very frustrated at that. The game is very good though, I'm gonna play through the SP again, just wish there was coop.
Could someone help me how to pass through mission called U529 - Naxos Prototype??? The one, where you obtain german uniform on the beginning and (following the briefing instructions) you should "stick to the speaking german". I´ve "sticked" to everyone in this level, showed papers to SSman waiting down the stairs, but the two speaking soldiers stay still in the room under the stairs and they do nothing even after loud-speaker announces some f**king bastard to report to some f**king department. I´ve also tried to kill all of fascists in the lavel after the alarm blow, but all the doors remained closed.....
Please help me, I am stuck in that stupid level for more than a DAY!!!
i got through the hard level i was stuck on! thanks guys for help . I'm glad I didn't skip it now. btw the Omaha level was incredible! couldn't believe that was even possible in a game.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by uho22: Could someone help me how to pass through mission called U529 - Naxos Prototype??? The one, where you obtain german uniform on the beginning and (following the briefing instructions) you should "stick to the speaking german". I´ve "sticked" to everyone in this level, showed papers to SSman waiting down the stairs, but the two speaking soldiers stay still in the room under the stairs and they do nothing even after loud-speaker announces some f**king bastard to report to some f**king department. I´ve also tried to kill all of fascists in the lavel after the alarm blow, but all the doors remained closed.....
Please help me, I am stuck in that stupid level for more than a DAY!!!
thanx a lot
What I did was to show the appropriate papers to the officers. The papers that you grabbed from the locker room. As soon as you get to the main hangers where the prototype is located, you have to go to a room up some stairs in one of the crate facilities. Kill the guard in that room and then grab the new papers off of the table. That will allow you acces to the hanger where the prototype is located. Get into the sub and the game saves from there. You'll start in the sub after and you have to plant explosives in the fron and rear of the sub. I found that if you start at on end of the sub and then plant the explosive and start to eliminate all the infantry personnel that are occupying the sub until you reach the other end of the sub to plant the second explosive. You'll be on a timer so chop! chop! get out of the sub and OFF the sub before it blows up. Eliminate all other opposing guards and make your way to the left part of the hanger. There will be alot of opposition to deal with so take them out. As soon as you get to the end of the hanger you will see another sub stationed in a hanger. go alongside that sub on the right-side plank until you get to a door. That is pretty much the end of this mission.