im 16 and i have 13 hours left (lucky heh?) untill my solo. i learn officially in a Cessna Stationair and a skyhawk but i have a grandfather (retired lt.col b24 pilot and ex airforce flight instructor) that teaches me personally at a private ariport in a stits playboy. i have more hours in the stits than the staionair. i probably wont buy my own airplane seing how im 16 but i will probably inherit my grandfathers aricraft when time comes. i also hang out at palm springs air museum and answer noob qestions about the various types of aircraft there.
The only planes I saw on the military base when I was in the RCAC was the Griffin (UH-1 Huey with alot of alterations) and the C-130. I seen plenty of heavy metal too.
I knew a marine who flew out of miramar. We went there a couple of times and looked around. He housed his f/a-18 in the same hangear that tehy shot TOp gun in. The scene where mavric is explaing how they got the photo of the mig upsie down. Anyways. I never knew that sidewinder missles had little wheels on the fins. Only maybe an inch or two in diameter.
ive been on 4 airforce bases around here. Point Mcgoo, Edwards, Norton and march. when i was at march i saw two f-16cs scramble with sidewinder tiped wings afterburners on. so cool.
I've been on Eglin, Hurlbert and Tyndall. I even got to fly into eglin's main field in my dads small private plane for an open house they had. Pretty cool.
Eglin is the largest military base in the country. They keep very tight control on the airspace around the Ft Walton/Destin area that they are located in. Civilian traffic can only fly into those cities by flying thru one of two corridors. One goes east/west along the beach, and the other goes north/south out of the area. I was flying with my dad in his cessna 182, while being routed by eglin control on the beach flyway. They tell us we have traffic on our 6 at 10 miles at our altitude, but they have us painted on their radar. Shortly after they say they have us on visual. Less than a minute later 2 pairs of f-15s roar past less than 100 yards off our wing. We we doing something close to 130mph and they pass us laike we are standing still and they were probably already throttled way back. Impressive to say the least.
yeah some of those jets really go fast. Ive seen stealths, apaches, f-18, f-15, f-16, A-10's, C-130, Globemasters, ANd many more that I cannot even name or remember.