And do you realize that I have a server that I can run the game on that is several miles from where I am and does NOT have a 3D card in it, and will not have a 3D card in it? If you don't have an OpenGL compatible card in the computer, you can't even start the game, you get the "couldn't initialize the OpenGL subsystem" error.
There are a lot of people out there who would like to run a dedicated server from the command line. This is for the benefit of the community, not just so that I can save 30 seconds of my life.
I have been able to setup dedicated Wolf and Q3 server that launch from the command line, without many problems, but this game has me baffled...
i meant from the command line btw.
but have no fear! i am writing a launcher for dedicated moh servers (mainly cos i'm bored in work).
it'll be a pile of shite but it'll let you pick the basic option from a dialog before launching the server.
if you wanna let me know what options you want to select let me know.
its gonna read the server.cfg to setup initially then rewrite it when it launches, keeping all the options it dont deal with the same as it was.
My apologies I didn't realize that you meant from the command line. As for how long it takes the server to init, I have waited several minutes with the same results -- no server being listed from other computers on the LAN, and not being able to connect via IP. Did you see anything in my command line or server.cfg file that I am doing wrong? And can someone take my files and try them on their machines to see if they get the same results?
and yes i have done that. bare essentials still nothing. i can get the game to list in the server tracker that i use(all seeing eye) but i cannot connect to the game.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kAmALA:
hmmm ? seems to start ? what do you see ? a
dos box ? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
By seems to start: The game console window opens and all the server commands process, but the actual game server does not init. If you don't know what I am talking about, do not bother posting a reply.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kAmALA: can you start a dedicated from in game, then do cvarlist & post results & then do command
line dedicated cvarlist & post result<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Sorry for the length, but you asked for it.
In game dedicated server cvarlist:
sv_referencedPakNames ""
sv_referencedPaks ""
g_showflypath "0"
C ai_pathcheckdist "4096"
C ai_pathchecktime "1.5"
ai_debugpath "0"
ai_fallheight "96"
ai_showpath "0"
ai_showallnode "0"
ai_shownode "0"
ai_shownodenums "0"
ai_showroutes_distance "1000"
ai_showroutes "0"
C cm_ter_usesphere "1"
C cm_FCMdebug "0"
C cm_FCMcacheall "0"
A C cm_playerCurveClip "1"
C cm_noCurves "0"
C cm_noAreas "0"
session "3"
g_eventstats "0"
g_watch "0"
g_timeevents "0"
g_eventlimit "5000"
g_showevents "0"
g_showinfo "0"
g_tempmaptime "0"
g_tempallieswinsinrow "0"
g_tempalliesscore "0"
g_tempaxiswinsinrow "0"
g_tempaxisscore "0"
S g_scoreboardpic "mohdm3"
S g_obj_axistext3 ""
S g_obj_axistext2 ""
S g_obj_axistext1 ""
S g_obj_alliedtext3 ""
S g_obj_alliedtext2 ""
S g_obj_alliedtext1 "Remagen"
g_voiceChat "1"
g_spectate_allow_full_chat "0"
g_spectatefollow_pitch "2"
g_spectatefollow_up "24"
g_spectatefollow_right "0"
g_spectatefollow_forward "-56"
g_forceteamspectate "1"
A g_m6l3 "0"
A g_m6l2 "0"
A g_m6l1 "0"
A g_m5l3 "0"
A g_m5l2 "0"
A g_m5l1 "0"
A g_m4l3 "0"
A g_m4l2 "0"
A g_m4l1 "0"
A g_m3l3 "0"
A g_m3l2 "0"
A g_m3l1 "0"
A g_m2l3 "0"
A g_m2l2 "0"
A g_m2l1 "0"
A g_m1l3 "0"
A g_m1l2 "0"
A g_m1l1 "1"
A g_eogmedal2 "0"
A g_eogmedal1 "0"
A g_eogmedal0 "0"
A g_medal5 "0"
A g_medal4 "0"
A g_medal3 "0"
A g_medal2 "0"
A g_medal1 "0"
A g_medal0 "0"
g_gotmedal "0"
g_failed "0"
g_success "0"
g_playerdeltamethod "0"
g_drawattackertime "5"
C g_viewkick_dmmult "1.0"
C g_viewkick_roll "0.15"
C g_viewkick_yaw "0.3"
C g_viewkick_pitch "0.3"
s_debugmusic "0"
pmove_msec "0"
pmove_fixed "0"
S A g_maxintermission "15"
S A g_forcerespawn "0"
S A g_forceready "1"
g_doWarmup "1"
A g_warmup "20"
g_allowvote "1"
g_rankedserver "0"
g_ai_soundscale "1"
g_ai_noticescale "1"
g_ai_notifyradius "1024"
g_showdamage "0"
g_animdump "0"
g_dropclips "2"
g_droppeditemlife "30"
g_patherror "1"
g_spawnai "1"
g_spawnentities "1"
g_monitorNum "-1"
g_monitor ""
g_vehicle "1"
g_ai "1"
g_scripttrace "0"
g_scriptdebug "0"
g_nodecheck "0"
g_scriptcheck "0"
g_showopcodes "0"
g_showtokens "0"
g_logstats "0"
g_debugdamage "0"
g_debugtargets "0"
g_showautoaim "0"
g_statefile "global/mike"
g_playermodel "american_army"
g_spiffyvelocity_z "0"
g_spiffyvelocity_y "0"
g_spiffyvelocity_x "0"
L g_spiffyplayer "0"
L g_numdebugstrings "256"
g_numdebuglinedelays "0"
C g_showlookat "0"
C g_entinfo "0"
C g_showawareness "0"
g_showbullettrace "0"
g_showplayeranim "0"
g_showplayerstate "0"
g_showaxis "0"
g_timeents "0"
g_showmem "0"
sv_crouchspeedmult "0.6"
sv_dmspeedmult "1.1"
sv_walkspeed "150"
sv_runspeed "250"
S R sv_cinematic "0"
S sv_waterspeed "400"
S sv_waterfriction "1"
S sv_stopspeed "100"
S sv_friction "4"
sv_showentnums "0"
sv_showcameras "0"
sv_testloc_offset2_z "0"
sv_testloc_offset2_y "0"
sv_testloc_offset2_x "0"
sv_testloc_radius2 "1"
sv_testloc_offset_z "0"
sv_testloc_offset_y "0"
sv_testloc_offset_x "0"
sv_testloc_radius "1"
sv_testloc_secondary "0"
sv_testloc_num "0"
sv_showbboxes "0"
sv_drawtrace "0"
sv_traceinfo "0"
sv_gravity "800"
sv_maxvelocity "6000"
sv_rollangle "2"
sv_rollspeed "200"
bosshealth "0"
whereami "0"
A com_blood "1"
flood_waitdelay "10"
flood_persecond "4"
flood_msgs "4"
S nomonsters "0"
S g_allowjointime "30"
S roundlimit "0"
filterban "1"
L maxentities "1024"
sv_precache "1"
gamedll ""
A sv_location "1"
sv_debuggamespy "0"
A g_inactivekick "900"
g_teamdamage "1"
sv_gamespy "1"
ui_dedicated "1"
ui_multiplayersign "startgame_sign"
A g_lastsave ""
subAlpha "0.5"
snd_maxdelay "12"
snd_mindelay "2"
snd_chance "1"
snd_volume "1"
snd_mindist "160"
snd_reverblevel "0.5"
snd_reverbtype "0"
snd_yaw "0"
snd_height "16"
snd_length "16"
snd_width "16"
cg_te_alpha "1"
cg_te_color_g "1"
cg_te_color_r "1"
cg_te_color_b "1"
cg_te_filename "dump/testemitter.txt"
cam_angles_yaw "0"
cam_angles_pitch "0"
cam_angles_roll "0"
viewmodelactionweight "0"
viewmodelnormaltime "0"
viewmodelanimnum2 "0"
viewmodelblend "0"
viewmodelanimslot "0"
viewmodelsyncrate "0"
subteam3 "0"
subtitle3 ""
subteam2 "0"
subtitle2 ""
subteam1 "0"
subtitle1 ""
subteam0 "0"
subtitle0 ""
cg_hud "1"
dlg_badsave "This save game is invalid"
A ui_startmap ""
cl_movieaudio "1"
A cl_greenfps "0"
ui_failed "0"
ui_success "0"
ui_gotmedal "0"
ui_gmboxspam "1"
ui_NumShotsFired "0"
ui_NumHits "0"
ui_NumComplete "0"
ui_NumObjectives "0"
ui_Accuracy "0"
ui_PreferredWeapon "none"
ui_NumHitsTaken "0"
ui_NumObjectsDestroyed "0"
ui_NumEnemysKilled "0"
ui_HeadShots "0"
ui_TorsoShots "0"
ui_LeftLegShots "0"
ui_RightLegShots "0"
ui_LeftArmShots "0"
ui_RightArmShots "0"
ui_GroinShots "0"
ui_GunneryEvaluation "0"
ui_health_end "0"
ui_health_start "0"
ui_drawcoords "0"
ui_inventoryfile "global/inventory.txt"
ui_newvidmode "6"
ui_compass "1"
ui_debugload "0"
soundoverlay "0"
A ui_itemsbar "0"
A ui_weaponsbartime "2500"
A ui_weaponsbar "1"
A ui_consoleposition ""
A ui_gmbox "1"
A ui_minicon "0"
A s_obstruction_cal_time "500"
s_show_sounds "0"
s_show_num_active_sounds "0"
s_show_cpu "0"
s_initsound "1"
A s_dialogscale "1"
C s_testsound "0"
C s_show "0"
A s_mixPreStep "0.05"
AL s_loadas8bit "0"
A s_separation "0.5"
A s_ambientvolume "1.00"
A s_musicvolume "0.9"
A s_volume "0.9"
L net_port "12203"
L net_ip "localhost"
AL net_socksPassword ""
AL net_socksUsername ""
AL net_socksPort "1080"
AL net_socksServer ""
AL net_socksEnabled "0"
AL net_noipx "1"
AL net_noudp "0"
C graphshift "0"
C graphscale "1"
C graphheight "32"
C debuggraph "0"
C timegraph "0"
A ff_disabled ""
ff_developer "0"
ff_ensureShake "1"
A ff_defaultTension "1"
A use_ff "1"
dcl_texturescale "32"
dcl_maxoffset "10"
dcl_minsegment "24"
dcl_maxsegment "512"
dcl_pathmode "0"
dcl_dostring "apply to all"
dcl_dobmodels "1"
dcl_doterrain "1"
dcl_doworld "1"
dcl_dolighting "1"
dcl_alpha "1"
dcl_b "1"
dcl_g "1"
dcl_r "1"
dcl_rotation "0"
dcl_widthscale "1"
dcl_heightscale "1"
dcl_radius "16"
dcl_shader "blastmark"
dcl_shiftstep "4"
dcl_autogetinfo "1"
dcl_showcurrent "1"
L dcl_editmode "0"
r_gfxinfo "
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_multitexture
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_texture_compression
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_texture_cube_map
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_texture_env_add
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_texture_env_combine
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_transpose_matrix
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_blend_minmax
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_blend_subtract
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_draw_range_elements
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_packed_pixels
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_paletted_texture
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_point_parameters
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_rescale_normal
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_secondary_color
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_separate_specular_color
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_stencil_wrap
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_texture_env_add
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_texture_env_combine
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_texture_cube_map
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_texture_object
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_vertex_array
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_vertex_weighting
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_KTX_buffer_region
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_NV_blend_square
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_NV_fog_distance
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_NV_light_max_exponent
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_NV_register_combiners
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_NV_texgen_emboss
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_NV_texgen_reflection
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_NV_texture_env_combine4
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_NV_texture_rectangle
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_NV_vertex_array_range
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_NV_vertex_array_range2
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_NV_vertex_program
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap
PIXELFORMAT: color(32-bits) Z(24-bit) stencil(8-bits)
MODE: 6, 1024 x 768 fullscreen hz:60
GAMMA: hardware w/ 0 overbright bits
CPU: Intel Pentium III
rendering primitives: single glDrawElements
picmip: 0
texture bits: 0
multitexture: enabled
compiled vertex arrays: enabled
texenv add: enabled
compressed textures: enabled
A vid_ypos "22"
A vid_xpos "3"
L r_maskMinidriver "0"
L r_allowSoftwareGL "0"
L r_loadftx "0"
L r_loadjpg "1"
A ter_fastMarks "1"
A ter_minMarkRadius "8"
r_precacheimages "0"
r_static_shadermultiplier3 "1"
r_static_shadermultiplier2 "1"
r_static_shadermultiplier1 "1"
r_static_shadermultiplier0 "1"
r_static_shaderdata3 "0"
r_static_shaderdata2 "0"
r_static_shaderdata1 "0"
r_static_shaderdata0 "0"
A r_sse "0"
r_showportal "0"
A vss_smoothsmokelight "1"
A r_debuglines_depthmask "0"
R r_useglfog "1"
A r_lightcoronasize ".1"
C r_farplane_nofog "0"
C r_farplane_nocull "0"
C r_farplane_color ".5 .5 .5"
C r_farplane "0"
r_skyportal_origin "0 0 0"
r_skyportal "0"
r_light_showgrid "0"
A r_light_nolight "0"
A r_light_int_scale "0.05"
r_light_sun_line "0"
r_light_lines "0"
A r_stipplelines "1"
r_maxtermarks "1024"
r_maxpolyverts "16384"
r_maxpolys "4096"
A r_entlight_maxcalc "2"
A r_entlight_cubefraction "0.5"
A r_entlight_cubelevel "0"
A r_entlight_errbound "6"
C r_entlight_scale "1.3"
C r_entlightmap "0"
C r_noportals "0"
C r_lockpvs "0"
C r_drawBuffer "GL_BACK"
C r_offsetunits "-2"
C r_offsetfactor "-1"
C r_clear "0"
C r_showstaticbboxes "0"
C r_showhbox "0"
C r_shownormals "0"
C r_showsky "0"
C r_showtris "0"
C r_nobind "0"
C r_debugSurface "0"
C r_logFile "0"
C r_verbose "0"
C r_speeds "0"
C r_showcluster "0"
C r_novis "0"
C r_showcull "0"
C r_nocull "0"
C r_ignore "1"
C r_staticlod "1"
C r_drawspherelights "1"
C r_drawsprites "1"
C r_drawterrain "1"
C r_drawbrushmodels "1"
C r_drawbrushes "1"
C r_drawstaticmodelpoly "1"
C r_drawstaticmodels "1"
C r_drawentitypoly "1"
C r_drawentities "1"
C r_norefresh "0"
C r_measureOverdraw "0"
C r_skipBackEnd "0"
C r_showSmp "0"
C r_flareFade "7"
C r_flareSize "40"
C r_portalOnly "0"
C r_lightmap "0"
C r_drawworld "1"
C r_nocurves "0"
r_printShaders "0"
C r_debugSort "0"
lod_tool "0"
lod_position "0 0 0"
lod_save "0"
lod_tris ""
lod_metric "0.0"
lod_tikiname ""
lod_meshname ""
lod_mesh "0"
lod_zee_val "0"
lod_pitch_val "0"
lod_curve_4_slider "0"
lod_curve_3_slider "0"
lod_curve_2_slider "0"
lod_curve_1_slider "0"
lod_curve_0_slider "0"
lod_curve_4_val "0"
lod_curve_3_val "0"
lod_curve_2_val "0"
lod_curve_1_val "0"
lod_curve_0_val "0"
lod_edit_4 "0"
lod_edit_3 "0"
lod_edit_2 "0"
lod_edit_1 "0"
lod_edit_0 "0"
lod_LOD_slider "0.5"
lod_maxLOD "0.3"
lod_minLOD "1.0"
lod_LOD "0"
r_uselod "1"
r_showstaticlod "0"
r_showlod "0"
r_showImages "0"
C r_directedScale "1"
C r_ambientScale "0.5"
A r_primitives "0"
A r_facePlaneCull "1"
A r_swapInterval "0"
A r_finish "0"
A r_dlightBacks "1"
A r_drawSun "0"
r_fastsky "0"
A r_ignoreGLErrors "1"
C r_znear "3"
A r_flares "0"
A C r_lodCurveError "225"
r_lerpmodels "1"
LC r_singleShader "0"
L g_numdebuglines "4096"
L r_intensity "1"
L r_mapOverBrightBits "1"
LC r_fullbright "0"
L r_displayRefresh "0"
AL r_ignoreFastPath "0"
AL r_smp "0"
AL r_vertexLight "0"
AL r_customaspect "1"
AL r_customheight "1024"
AL r_customwidth "1600"
AL r_fullscreen "1"
AL r_ignorehwgamma "0"
AL r_overBrightBits "0"
AL r_depthbits "0"
AL r_stencilbits "8"
AL r_stereo "0"
AL r_textureDetails "1"
L r_colorMipLevels "0"
AL r_roundImagesDown "1"
A r_reset_tc_array "1"
A r_geForce3WorkAround "1"
AL r_forceClampToEdge "0"
AL r_ext_aniso_filter "0"
AL r_ext_texture_env_combine "0"
AL r_ext_texture_env_add "1"
AL r_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1"
R r_ext_multitexture "1"
AL r_ext_gamma_control "1"
AL r_allowExtensions "1"
AL r_glDriver "opengl32"
A s_speaker_type "0"
AL s_reverb "0"
U A dm_playermodel "american_army"
U password ""
U A snaps "20"
m_invert_pitch "0"
A cg_forceModel "0"
A cl_maxPing "800"
A cg_autoswitch "1"
cg_gametype "0"
cl_langamerefreshstatus "Ready"
R cl_motdString ""
A m_filter "0"
A m_side "0.25"
A m_up "0"
A m_forward "0.25"
A m_yaw "0.022"
A m_pitch "0.022"
A cl_allowDownload "1"
cl_showmouserate "0"
A cl_mouseAccel "0"
A freelook "1"
A cl_run "1"
A cl_packetdup "1"
A cl_maxpackets "30"
cl_anglespeedkey "1.5"
A cl_pitchspeed "70"
A cl_yawspeed "140"
rconAddress ""
cl_forceavidemo "0"
cl_avidemo "0"
activeAction ""
cl_freezeDemo "0"
cl_showTimeDelta "0"
cl_showSend "0"
cl_shownet "0"
cl_timeNudge "0"
cl_connect_timeout "15"
cl_timeout "60"
A cl_cdkey "123456789"
cl_motd "0"
cl_eventstats "0"
cl_timeevents "0"
cl_eventlimit "500"
cl_showevents "0"
cl_debugMove "0"
cl_nodelta "0"
sv_deeptracedebug "0"
sv_drawentities "1"
R sv_mapChecksum "902859632"
sv_killserver "0"
sv_padPackets "0"
sv_showloss "0"
sv_reconnectlimit "3"
A sv_master5 ""
A sv_master4 ""
A sv_master3 ""
A sv_master2 ""
sv_master1 ""
nextmap ""
sv_zombietime "2"
sv_timeout "120"
S sv_fps "20"
sv_privatePassword ""
rconPassword ""
R sv_paks ""
sv_pure "0"
R sv_serverid "77535441"
S L g_gametypestring "Round-Based-Match"
S L g_gametype "3"
S A sv_floodProtect "1"
S A sv_maxPing "0"
S A sv_minPing "0"
S A sv_maxRate "0"
S sv_privateClients "0"
S R mapname "dm/mohdm3"
S R protocol "6"
S sv_keywords ""
S fraglimit "5"
S dmflags "0"
S L skill "0"
g_maxplayerhealth "1500"
net_multiLANpackets "2"
I net_qport "23537"
showdrop "0"
showpackets "0"
A in_disablealttab "0"
A joy_threshold "0.15"
in_debugjoystick "0"
A in_joyBallScale "0.02"
A in_joystick "0"
AL in_mouse "1"
A in_mididevice "0"
A in_midichannel "1"
A in_midi "0"
username "Kris"
sys_cpuid "35"
sys_cpustring "Intel Pentium III"
R win_wndproc "4740064"
R win_hinstance "4194304"
arch "win2000"
arch_minor_version "1"
arch_major_version "5"
R shortversion "1.00"
S R version "Medal of Honor Allied Assault 1.00 win-x86 Dec 6 2001"
com_buildScript "0"
R cl_running "0"
R sv_running "1"
L dedicated "1"
C timedemo "0"
com_speeds "0"
C viewlog "0"
C com_dropsim "0"
C com_showtrace "0"
C fixedtime "0"
C timescale "1"
A autopaused "1"
R paused "0"
S L deathmatch "1"
A com_maxfps "85"
convertAnim "0"
showLoad "1"
low_anim_memory "0"
dumploadedanims "0"
pagememory "0"
ui_legalscreen_stay "3"
ui_legalscreen_fadeout ".5"
ui_legalscreen_fadein ".5"
ui_titlescreen_stay "3"
ui_titlescreen_fadeout ".5"
ui_titlescreen_fadein ".5"
ui_skip_legalscreen "0"
ui_skip_titlescreen "0"
ui_skip_eamovie "0"
cl_playintro "0"
A g_inactivespectate "300"
A r_lastValidRenderer "GeForce2 MX/AGP/SSE"
A r_gamma "1.240132"
AL s_milesdriver "Miles Fast 2D Positional Audio"
U A dm_playergermanmodel "german_panzer_shutze"
U A rate "30000"
U A name "Blasney"
A sensitivity "5.000000"
S A sv_maplist "dm/mohdm1 dm/mohdm2 dm/mohdm3 dm/mohdm4 dm/mohdm5 dm/mohdm6 dm/mohdm7"
S A sv_allowDownload "0"
S AL sv_maxclients "10"
S A sv_hostname "Blasney Beach"
S A timelimit "15"
A fps "1"
config "unnamedsoldier.cfg"
AL r_ext_compressed_textures "1"
A r_drawstaticdecals "0"
A g_ddayshingleguys "1"
A g_ddayfog "1"
A g_ddayfodderguys "0"
AL r_texturebits "0"
AL r_colorbits "32"
AL r_picmip "0"
AL r_mode "6"
A cg_marks_add "1"
AL s_khz "22"
A cg_shadows "0"
A cg_rain "1"
A ter_maxtris "16384"
A ter_maxlod "4"
A ter_error "9"
A vss_maxcount "20"
A cg_effectdetail "0.3"
A r_lodviewmodelcap "0.25"
A r_lodcap "0.35"
A r_lodscale "0.35"
AL r_subdivisions "20"
A r_fastentlight "1"
AL r_fastdlights "1"
A cg_drawviewmodel "2"
ui_medalsign ""
ui_signshader "multiplayer_sign"
A g_subtitle "0"
A g_skill "1"
A detail "1"
A ui_hostname "Blasney Beach"
A ui_maplist_obj "obj/obj_team1 obj/obj_team2 obj/obj_team3 obj/obj_team4"
A ui_maplist_round "dm/mohdm1 dm/mohdm2 dm/mohdm3 dm/mohdm4 dm/mohdm5 dm/mohdm6 dm/mohdm7"
A ui_maplist_team "dm/mohdm1 dm/mohdm2 dm/mohdm3 dm/mohdm4 dm/mohdm6 dm/mohdm7"
A ui_maplist_ffa "dm/mohdm1 dm/mohdm2 dm/mohdm3 dm/mohdm4 dm/mohdm5 dm/mohdm6 dm/mohdm7"
A ui_inactivekick "900"
A ui_inactivespectate "300"
A ui_connectip ""
A ui_teamdamage "1"
A ui_timelimit "15"
A ui_fraglimit "5"
A ui_gamespy "1"
A ui_maxclients "10"
ui_gametypestring ""
ui_gametype ""
ui_dmmap "dm/mohdm3"
A ui_voodoo "0"
A cl_ctrlbindings "0"
A cl_altbindings "0"
A ui_crosshair "1"
A viewsize "100"
I journal "0"
fs_filedir "C:PROGRA~1EAGAME~1MOHAAmain\maps"
shortcut dedicated server cvarlist:
sv_referencedPakNames ""
sv_referencedPaks ""
g_showflypath "0"
C ai_pathcheckdist "4096"
C ai_pathchecktime "1.5"
ai_debugpath "0"
ai_fallheight "96"
ai_showpath "0"
ai_showallnode "0"
ai_shownode "0"
ai_shownodenums "0"
ai_showroutes_distance "1000"
ai_showroutes "0"
C cm_ter_usesphere "1"
C cm_FCMdebug "0"
C cm_FCMcacheall "0"
A C cm_playerCurveClip "1"
C cm_noCurves "0"
C cm_noAreas "0"
session "4"
g_eventstats "0"
g_watch "0"
g_timeevents "0"
g_eventlimit "5000"
g_showevents "0"
g_showinfo "0"
g_tempmaptime "0"
g_tempallieswinsinrow "0"
g_tempalliesscore "0"
g_tempaxiswinsinrow "0"
g_tempaxisscore "0"
S g_scoreboardpic "objdm5"
S g_obj_axistext3 ""
S g_obj_axistext2 "taking the beach"
S g_obj_axistext1 "- Prevent Allies from"
S g_obj_alliedtext3 "cannons"
S g_obj_alliedtext2 "- Destroy two 15cm"
S g_obj_alliedtext1 "- Breach the shingle"
g_voiceChat "1"
g_spectate_allow_full_chat "0"
g_spectatefollow_pitch "2"
g_spectatefollow_up "24"
g_spectatefollow_right "0"
g_spectatefollow_forward "-56"
g_forceteamspectate "1"
A g_lastsave ""
A g_m6l3 "0"
A g_m6l2 "0"
A g_m6l1 "0"
A g_m5l3 "0"
A g_m5l2 "0"
A g_m5l1 "0"
A g_m4l3 "0"
A g_m4l2 "0"
A g_m4l1 "0"
A g_m3l3 "0"
A g_m3l2 "0"
A g_m3l1 "0"
A g_m2l3 "0"
A g_m2l2 "0"
A g_m2l1 "0"
A g_m1l3 "0"
A g_m1l2 "0"
A g_m1l1 "1"
A g_eogmedal2 "0"
A g_eogmedal1 "0"
A g_eogmedal0 "0"
A g_medal5 "0"
A g_medal4 "0"
A g_medal3 "0"
A g_medal2 "0"
A g_medal1 "0"
A g_medal0 "0"
g_gotmedal "0"
g_failed "0"
g_success "0"
g_playerdeltamethod "0"
g_drawattackertime "5"
C g_viewkick_dmmult "1.0"
C g_viewkick_roll "0.15"
C g_viewkick_yaw "0.3"
C g_viewkick_pitch "0.3"
s_debugmusic "0"
A g_inactiveKick "900"
A g_inactiveSpectate "60"
pmove_msec "0"
pmove_fixed "0"
S A g_maxintermission "15"
S A g_forcerespawn "0"
S A g_forceready "1"
g_doWarmup "1"
A g_warmup "20"
g_allowvote "1"
g_teamdamage "0"
g_rankedserver "0"
g_ai_soundscale "1"
g_ai_noticescale "1"
g_ai_notifyradius "1024"
g_showdamage "0"
g_animdump "0"
g_dropclips "2"
g_droppeditemlife "30"
g_patherror "1"
g_spawnai "1"
g_spawnentities "1"
g_monitorNum "-1"
g_monitor ""
g_vehicle "1"
g_ai "1"
g_scripttrace "0"
g_scriptdebug "0"
g_nodecheck "0"
g_scriptcheck "0"
g_showopcodes "0"
g_showtokens "0"
g_logstats "0"
g_debugdamage "0"
g_debugtargets "0"
g_showautoaim "0"
g_statefile "global/mike"
g_playermodel "american_army"
g_spiffyvelocity_z "0"
g_spiffyvelocity_y "0"
g_spiffyvelocity_x "0"
L g_spiffyplayer "0"
L g_numdebugstrings "256"
g_numdebuglinedelays "0"
L g_numdebuglines "4096"
C g_showlookat "0"
C g_entinfo "0"
C g_showawareness "0"
g_showbullettrace "0"
g_showplayeranim "0"
g_showplayerstate "0"
g_showaxis "0"
g_timeents "0"
g_showmem "0"
sv_crouchspeedmult "0.6"
sv_dmspeedmult "1.1"
sv_walkspeed "150"
sv_runspeed "250"
S R sv_cinematic "0"
S sv_waterspeed "400"
S sv_waterfriction "1"
S sv_stopspeed "100"
S sv_friction "4"
sv_showentnums "0"
sv_showcameras "0"
sv_testloc_offset2_z "0"
sv_testloc_offset2_y "0"
sv_testloc_offset2_x "0"
sv_testloc_radius2 "1"
sv_testloc_offset_z "0"
sv_testloc_offset_y "0"
sv_testloc_offset_x "0"
sv_testloc_radius "1"
sv_testloc_secondary "0"
sv_testloc_num "0"
sv_showbboxes "0"
sv_drawtrace "0"
sv_traceinfo "0"
sv_gravity "800"
sv_maxvelocity "6000"
sv_rollangle "2"
sv_rollspeed "200"
bosshealth "0"
whereami "0"
A com_blood "1"
flood_waitdelay "10"
flood_persecond "4"
flood_msgs "4"
S nomonsters "0"
S g_allowjointime "30"
S roundlimit "0"
filterban "1"
U password ""
L maxentities "1024"
sv_precache "1"
gamedll ""
sv_gamespy "1"
A sv_location "1"
sv_debuggamespy "0"
A g_log "mohaa.log"
A g_inactivity "180"
A g_minGameClients "1"
sv_deeptracedebug "0"
sv_drawentities "1"
R sv_mapChecksum "1203543893"
sv_killserver "0"
sv_padPackets "0"
sv_showloss "0"
sv_reconnectlimit "3"
A sv_master5 ""
A sv_master4 ""
A sv_master3 ""
A sv_master2 ""
sv_master1 ""
nextmap ""
sv_zombietime "2"
sv_timeout "120"
S sv_fps "20"
sv_privatePassword ""
A rconPassword "rcon"
R sv_paks ""
sv_pure "0"
R sv_serverid "77716313"
S L g_gametypestring "Objective-Match"
S L g_gametype "4"
S A sv_floodProtect "1"
S A sv_maxPing "0"
S A sv_minPing "0"
S A sv_maxRate "0"
S sv_privateClients "0"
S R mapname "obj/obj_team3"
S R protocol "6"
S sv_keywords ""
S fraglimit "0"
S dmflags "0"
S L skill "0"
g_maxplayerhealth "1500"
net_multiLANpackets "2"
I net_qport "56111"
showdrop "0"
showpackets "0"
A in_disablealttab "0"
A joy_threshold "0.15"
in_debugjoystick "0"
A in_joyBallScale "0.02"
A in_joystick "0"
AL in_mouse "1"
A in_mididevice "0"
A in_midichannel "1"
A in_midi "0"
username "Kris"
sys_cpuid "35"
sys_cpustring "Intel Pentium III"
R win_wndproc "4740064"
R win_hinstance "4194304"
arch "win2000"
arch_minor_version "1"
arch_major_version "5"
R shortversion "1.00"
S R version "Medal of Honor Allied Assault 1.00 win-x86 Dec 6 2001"
com_buildScript "0"
R cl_running "0"
R sv_running "1"
C timedemo "0"
com_speeds "0"
C viewlog "1"
C com_dropsim "0"
C com_showtrace "0"
C fixedtime "0"
C timescale "1"
A autopaused "1"
R paused "0"
S L deathmatch "1"
A com_maxfps "85"
convertAnim "0"
showLoad "1"
low_anim_memory "0"
dumploadedanims "0"
pagememory "0"
ui_legalscreen_stay "3"
ui_legalscreen_fadeout ".5"
ui_legalscreen_fadein ".5"
ui_titlescreen_stay "3"
ui_titlescreen_fadeout ".5"
ui_titlescreen_fadein ".5"
ui_skip_legalscreen "0"
ui_skip_titlescreen "0"
ui_skip_eamovie "0"
cl_playintro "1"
A ui_console "1"
A fps "1"
S A timelimit "15"
S A sv_hostname "Blasney Beach"
S AL sv_maxclients "16"
S A sv_allowDownload "0"
S A sv_maplist "dm/mohdm1 dm/mohdm2 dm/mohdm3 dm/mohdm4 dm/mohdm5 dm/mohdm6 dm/mohdm7"
A sensitivity "5.000000"
A name "Blasney"
A rate "30000"
A dm_playergermanmodel "german_panzer_shutze"
A s_milesdriver "Miles Fast 2D Positional Audio"
A r_gamma "1.240132"
A r_lastValidRenderer "GeForce2 MX/AGP/SSE"
config "unnamedsoldier.cfg"
A r_ext_compressed_textures "1"
A r_drawstaticdecals "0"
A g_ddayshingleguys "1"
A g_ddayfog "1"
A g_ddayfodderguys "0"
A r_texturebits "0"
A r_colorbits "32"
A r_picmip "0"
A r_mode "6"
A cg_marks_add "1"
A s_khz "22"
A cg_shadows "0"
A cg_rain "1"
A ter_maxtris "16384"
A ter_maxlod "4"
A ter_error "9"
A vss_maxcount "20"
A cg_effectdetail "0.3"
A r_lodviewmodelcap "0.25"
A r_lodcap "0.35"
A r_lodscale "0.35"
A r_subdivisions "20"
A r_fastentlight "1"
A r_fastdlights "1"
A cg_drawviewmodel "2"
ui_medalsign ""
ui_signshader ""
A g_subtitle "0"
A g_skill "1"
A detail "1"
A ui_hostname "Blasney Beach"
A ui_maplist_obj "obj/obj_team1 obj/obj_team2 obj/obj_team3 obj/obj_team4"
A ui_maplist_round "dm/mohdm1 dm/mohdm2 dm/mohdm3 dm/mohdm4 dm/mohdm5 dm/mohdm6 dm/mohdm7"
A ui_maplist_team "dm/mohdm1 dm/mohdm2 dm/mohdm3 dm/mohdm4 dm/mohdm6 dm/mohdm7"
A ui_maplist_ffa "dm/mohdm1 dm/mohdm2 dm/mohdm3 dm/mohdm4 dm/mohdm5 dm/mohdm6 dm/mohdm7"
A ui_inactivekick "900"
A ui_inactivespectate "300"
A ui_connectip ""
A ui_teamdamage "1"
A ui_timelimit "15"
A ui_fraglimit "5"
A ui_gamespy "1"
A ui_maxclients "10"
ui_gametypestring ""
ui_gametype ""
ui_dmmap ""
A ui_voodoo "0"
A cl_ctrlbindings "0"
A cl_altbindings "0"
A ui_crosshair "1"
A viewsize "100"
I journal "0"
fs_filedir "C:PROGRA~1EAGAME~1MOHAAmain\maps"
mapdir ""
logfile "0"
I fs_restrict ""
S I fs_game ""
I fs_basepath "C:PROGRA~1EAGAME~1MOHAA"
I fs_cdpath ""
I fs_copyfiles "0"
fs_debug "0"
A developer "0"
L dedicated "1"
S L cheats "0"
351 total cvars
351 cvar indexes
Hitch warning: 3350 msec frame time
[This message has been edited by Blasneystein (edited January 24, 2002).]
[This message has been edited by Blasneystein (edited January 24, 2002).]